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My Blind Fiancée

Chapter 3 Cold Water

Word Count: 1541    |    Released on: 22/08/2023

Mateo had purchased for the girl. She thought it was somewh

r bed is the television. A voice-activated system has been set up so you can turn it on and watch your favorite programs or video

help me choose a dre

ect for tonight. I don't know if it's too forward of me, but if you

ay look, I just need you to show me where the casual clothes are. It's a bit difficult right n

e formal clothing. On the right side, you'll find th

much. I'm sorry

" Loren smiled. That girl seemed so de

rtable. She was used to being independent, but her problem was that sh

s that was fitted until the waist, sleeveless with a semi-circular skirt that reached just above the knees. It

long hair cascaded over her back in soft waves. The assista

revent her from falling on the stairs. Mateo, his grandfather, and his mother were al

elings, he would be extremely embarrassed. He immediately approached her to guide her

the chair next to him. Ava realized she was nervous for n

sperately needed. The words of those people made her feel protected

couldn't trust blindly; he would make sure this wasn't a plan concocted by Ava. He stopped himself, recognizing that it wasn't the right time. He didn't want to scare or d

ter himself, he was his only grandson, and

temperament. Wherever he went, his presence was felt. His adversaries feared him; they knew perfec

she wanted to retire. After all, they were still complete strangers to her. Loren took Ava by the arm to guide her to her room. Ava climbed the stairs

e knocked on the door, but when he received no response, he decided to

e while walking towards the bathroom. Some books had fallen, causing a loud noise. Everything would have been f

a response, I decided to come in. I thought you might have hurt yourself," he said, his gaze running up and down her bod

e books fell," she said timidly, f

out of the room and minutes later found hi

to control myself. This girl is

ted it. She wasn't used to locking her door; she though

t all costs. He felt ashamed; his attempt

set. He believed that his grandson shouldn't risk himself to sav

randfather had expressed his thoughts, he didn't pay attention. He knew very well how to watch his own

room, he knocked on the door. This time, he knocked loudly to ensure that she heard him. Moments later,

head to the Miller mansion. Fortunately, it's very close to the event venue, so I'll walk there instead of using my car.

e inconvenience after another. I feel bad that you're

y. And please, call me Mateo. If you call me 'Mr.

for helping me. But I can't

into her eyes. They were a beautiful shade of sea blue. In that moment, h

uncle has done to you is simply an abuse in all forms. He has no right to force you into marriage, and the inheritance your pa

just as she was about to speak, Mateo quickly kissed her on the forehead and turned around to leave in a hurry

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