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Her Husbands

Chapter 3 Hell

Word Count: 3658    |    Released on: 05/08/2023

pite his attractive features and arctic blue orbs that held depths deeper than an ocean, his attractiveness evoked a wave of anxiousness inside me. This man had succeeded in attaining my not

er black kohl. Her clothes were torn from places as he looked terrifyingly at me. "We need to leave! We need to leave!" My heart raced as she turned around and dragged me with him. "F-Father." I whispered as more tears dripped down my eyes. I couldn't believe what was happening. The once supposed to be a memorial evening turned out to be this way. "He's dead, Hazel! He's dead!" She cried whilst we both rushed to the nearest exit. Scream, terror-filled cries, echoed through the castle. Swords clashing against each other, growls, gasps. "HAZEL! LIANA!" We both were stopped when the familiar voice of Dominic pierced through my wars. Looking back, he was already coming toward us. "Dominic!" I gasped. Taking my dress into my hands, I ran towards him. He caught me in his arms just as I jumped on top of him. "They killed him, Dominic! They killed him." I cried in his arms as I hugged him tightly. He quickly pulled back and looked at me seriously. "We need to leave. Nithilorc has betrayed us. We need to leave immediately-" "And I thought she was available." Blood drained off my face as Dominic snarled whilst pushing me behind him. Liana was quick to wrap her arms around me. In front of us stood Veles and Ezra, their gazes hard and sinister. They were not alone, an unfamiliar man with short silver hair was standing beside them. I would have admired his features if it wasn't for the terrifying situation. Dominic looked at us before mouthing three and pointed towards the door to our left. At first, I didn't understand but Ruby quickly jerked me towards her. I took a deep breath. "Available? Who's she?" The unfamiliar man said, his brows narrowed as he looked at Veles. One. Veles rolled his eyes. "She caught Cassius's interest." Two. I gulped. Ezra scoffed. "Probably his dick." Three. I just took a step when I stopped short as a sword went careening past my face and lodged into the wall adjacent. I glanced over my shoulder in shock and saw the unfamiliar man grinning at me. He tsked as he waved his fingers at me. "There's my girl," Veles grinned. I lost all the feeling in my limbs. I couldn't move. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't speak. Dominic groaned behind me when I turned back. He had blood seeping through his shoulder when I looked shocked at him. I was about to step towards him when an arm was smacked securely around my torso. My screams filled the hallways as I was harshly pulled away from him. "Leave me!" My ears twitched when I heard Liana's screams. Veles had her dragging by her hair. He threw her against the wall as she cried in pain. "Who's this lover boy?" The man with short silver hair asked as he narrowed his eyes at Dominic before pressing his foot on his wounded shoulder. Dominic cried in pain as he tumbled over. "Let me go, please!" I sobbed as Ezra dragged me away. His arms around my waist seemed to get tightened as he tugged me away. ****** My back collided harshly with Cassius's chest as Ezra pushed me towards him. Before I could move, he had his arms wrapped around me. "Let me go!" I screamed when Cassius grabbed my face before tugging me towards his face. My breathing shortened, he was too close for my liking. My heart skipped several beats as his stormy eyes pierced through me. "Obey, little one." There was something dangerous about his words. The roughness of his words scraped my courage, my mind stilled with fear, I didn't want to know what he was capable of doing to me. I instinctively froze out of pure terror. His voice was so loud and icy that it made my heart skip several beats. I looked up at him in both fury and fear. His eyes had lost their shine which was present when he confronted me on the balcony. His face looked stoic, his body looked tensed and his eyes were a dangerous combination. "It took longer than expected...." Ezra said from behind me. "It was a bit fun," another voice interrupted as Veles walked through the large doors. My eyes moved towards his hands, bloodied hands. Ruby! I looked wide-eyed at him as he smirked. "W-what did you do to her?" My words were caught inside my throat. I feared the worse. His smirk widened as he raised his hands in the air before showing me blood. No! No! No! It couldn't be! He didn't-she isn't! "You bastard!" I screamed with all the energy I was left with. My arms flapped around in a desperate need to get free. Cassius seemed to be stronger than he looked. His hands reflexively grabbed my arms before pulling me towards him again. "She's a feisty one, unlike your type, Cas." I was too paranoid to recognize the last voice. My tears shed as I kept thrashing in Cassius's arms. The screams of my disparity intensified their entertainment. I couldn't understand why was this happening when it became like this. "I like me some challenge." His voice fueled my anger ten folds. I cried and screamed and kicked but my strength was too low compared to him. Their laughs filled the whole room, I could see several corpses laid on the porcelain marbled floor, mothers, daughters, sons, and warriors, and even the few corpses of people I used to know. Our chef, Morrie lay lifeless, besides her, I c, could see her daughter's body, still clutching her mother's hand though her dead eyes were wide open and looked lifelessly towards the ceiling. I cried. I couldn't control myself. I felt both petulance and agitation, wondering if some of my family was alive. I couldn't hear a single sound. The crying and screaming had stopped long ago. My knees weakened as I found myself slipping down in Cassius's arms. "Where's Claus? He said he would be here long ago?" Veles interjected. And for a moment I wonder who this Claus was. But then I found myself in reality, probably one of their brothers. My arms were aching from the grip Cassius had. My tears were like a free waterfall, continuously falling without care. I grieved, for my family, for my sister. My fate was undecided. "Stop crying, sugar. Your voice is exploding in my ears." I suddenly looked up to find the man with sparkly silver hair and strikingly alluring grey eyes, with pale white skin and a body built like a warrior, scoffing. He looked dangerous. He snarled at me. I jumped back slightly only to back against Cassius's legs. "We need to leave." Ezra interrupted. I screamed as I felt lifted off the ground like a sack, and muscles collided against my stomach as Cassius carried me over his shoulder. I cried, begged, and screamed but it didn't help either way. What was going to happen to me? ~~ A terrified gasp escaped her lips as she scooted closer to the trees. Her feet were bleeding and her hands trembled with unexplainable fear. Her eyes looked widely towards her tormentor

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