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Author: Eros Zeo


Word Count: 1394    |    Released on: 25/07/2023

The room, fittingly called the "living room," was bustling with numerous vampires, eagerly awaiting the arriva

earth to tremble. All present, in reverence and fear, knelt with their gaz

danger that struck fear into even the most courageous. Known as Lu

ehension. Lucifer, seemingly young, concealed his face under a large black hoodie. However, when he r

fect height and captivating pink lips to his red eyes, which oddly held a mesmerizin

even in a frown. His ageless appearance raised questions abo

nded submission. Reveling in the power he held over humans, he took pl

e sent shivers down their spines. As Magnus responded, fear overcame him, and

m the prisoners. With force in his voice, he intended to e

This striking vampire, with red eyes and black hair tied neatly in a ponytail, was an e

s fury. In a display of anger and thirst for blood, Lucifer was ready to stri

e audience, a request rarely made of the messenger of death. The den f

fore him, ready to face the consequences of his actions. He sought revenge for his beloved mot

ack, injuring him severely. Lucifer approached with a lethal aura, but

hing with the desire for retribution. He cursed Lucifer weakly and confronted him fearlessly. Ho

njured stranger staggered out of the building. A strange and suspenseful

with conflicting emotions. He had faced the feared king and lived

termination that burned within him. He had sworn to avenge his moth

ake of their king's uncharacteristic leniency. They had grown accustomed to witnessing ruth

ad struck a chord within him, awakening memories he had long suppressed. He had become

upon Lucifer. He knew that his actions had consequences, and perhaps it w

ssion. He knew he couldn't face Lucifer alone, and he needed to gather

own tired of Lucifer's tyrannical rule. They had secretly plotted against him

nation inspired them to take action. Together, they formed a plan to chall

and strategizing their approach. The injured stranger proved to be a valuable as

ifer. The den was filled with tension as the resistance

proaching storm. He knew he couldn't escape the consequences o

st the king. With courage and determination, they fought for the freedo

ed, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still. The stranger saw the remnants of h

nger realized that vengeance alone wouldn't heal his wounds or bring back his

s life, choosing compassion over revenge. He knew that breaking the

f-reflection and redemption. He acknowledged the pain he had inflicted

filled with hope. The war against Lucifer had ended not in bloodshed, but

dismantle the oppressive structures he had built. Together, they forge

feared king became a symbol of redemption and hope. His reign of terror

found solace in his newfound purpose. He had not only avenged

ing that even the most heartless creatures could find their way back to the light. And thus, the legac

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