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A Strange Arrangement

A Strange Arrangement


Chapter 1 Desperate Bargains

Word Count: 2654    |    Released on: 13/07/2023

ured I could take a year or two to determine my course in life. I didn't want to "find myself," though I would never put it that way. But I first

im. However, I was gasping and sinking. There just wasn't any full-time job available at the moment, and part-time waitressing wasn't covering the costs. I had minimized my spending as much as I could, which was certainly one truly positive aspect of this experience. Many things tha

eal thought as I was writing the final rent chec


I answered to the internet advertisement offering room and board in exchange for "household duties." The offer

ut not shabby. Although he wasn't a slob, the man was falling behind. My initial reactions to him were positive; he seemed to be a decent enough guy who wasn't obnoxious or pervy. He

out as remote. Sad. Tired. Even though I didn't anticipate becoming friends with him,

working part-time to get back on my feet. He shifted in his seat a little and said, "Before we get any further, we should probab

wn and full use of the house, other than my

reat-it's even more than I exp

t, he continued, clearly feeling awkward.

'household duties.' I'm assuming that means clean

s ring anxiously in his hand and saying, "No


..I'd rather not talk about that right now, he replied

r all the options: Dead? Separated? Are you insane and sequest


nk about the talk again. P

relations...with me...on a regular basis." Additionally, he was avoiding eye contact and g

s alone in his home and his...sick proposal was hanging out. Nobody even knew where I was, anyway. When I tried to respond


it and thought that someday it would simply be a humorous story I told at parties, the one about The Creep

d in need of a place to live. Accepting his off

to forgo my strict spending plan and purchased enough wine to give The Creep a call back. I was simultaneous

ad found just that-a working prostitute who could cook a decent supper. He was most likely detained after another female called the police

when I thought it was a lot easier arrangement), convinced

who is this?" Oh goodness, I didn't even real

r stupid roo

all me back when you're sober, if you still want to." That idiot had discon


rnoon. Despite being utterly broke, suffering from a headache, and having drunk-called a pervert, I still ha

cessful days like this wouldn't be enough to support me. The only costs I had left were rent, food, and petrol. I


to see if your room

rious, "Are you


en I ask, "Have


aware of the ter

about the specifics, but yes

at home tonight and

t) "I'd prefer not to meet at your place. Could

e. Find a bench, and I'll go there right after work. That'

you still remem

are of the terms, and I

did the other t

ur voice and your acc


uld have no troub

omorrow. Creep, I


of money, customers who are too engrossed in their work to realize that you are serving them, mothers who are havi

I kept wanting to know more information. And coul


thing I did automatically. Even though I didn't have high hopes for success, I knew I had t


h was a luxury. So I scanned the area, observed individuals walking by, and waited. I questioned how many of thes

when I glanced at him, his looks were a little disarming. I believe that he had become a monster due to

s from a body shop. Funny, I had never before learned his name. His work clothes were filthy, yet he stil

ster under the circ

s your name

, don't tell him your last

d the sp

ousehold duties. I imagine there is more to that. I'm assuming you

what I told you. It was may

," trying not to be offended th

you'd have to be an active, willing participant. I'm not into rape or tying you up or anything. OK. The arrangement is sex on a

assed by. What people would think if they overheard bit

since that would be the arrangement, if you have any other relationships involving sex, you'd have to use condoms. "Yo

cording this or anything, are you? You're n

idea hadn't occurred to me, though I dare say it wouldn't be a bad i

finally grasped the situation when he abruptly straightened himself and responded, sounding mildly horrified, "O God, n

tegy because, in the larger picture, th

mands I can supply in exchange for; I just have

just prostitu

id, "I don't really know. Maybe it's that it occurs in the context of a longer-term relationship. Maybe all...um...y'kno

ept of not using condoms. Let's assume I'm serious enough that you should prepa

not freaking out, Gina. I'll give you my ph


o jobs. The next

n the notion of a putty-eating maid. He didn't look like the type of guy who would go on a date, and if he was working two jobs, he was probably already too bus

what. There are no condoms? Pill? Wife? future partners? ZERO RENT! FREE MEALS! All it is

rather for love, safety, and status. When was the last time I had sex without wanting to get something out of it? In this situation, I was merely obtaining access to something more material. And the t

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