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Trapped in the mirrors

Trapped in the mirrors

Author: shaknaka

Chapter 1 My mortal family

Word Count: 1029    |    Released on: 02/07/2023

and arrogant, she was middle and she had this fiance appearance. I always new she had something special but I couldn't tell. In the night she came into my room an

mething goes wrong and she never return to as. That's what I mean she will come back when she get a soulmate with her magic she will understand the true meaning of love and she get out when the curse is broken and true love will brake it. She will leave her life their but she will be able to connect with this world through dreams. When she visits someone she likes and that parson like her back then she will get out of those mirror space and

ind my self in his room. But we can't touch each other. I told him that in order for him to see me physically we have to fall in love, that's when I realized that I don't love him but he loved me, and we just stayed friends till I watched him glow old and die. I can't grow old for 3000 yeah I look 24 or I will change when I get out of these mirrors. If I get my soul mate . And in those years the lady of the house bought the old mirror and that's what they call it the old mirror. She put the mirror in her daughter's bed room. I always see her in my mirror space, she's very lonely and beautiful she is 23 and I think she's used to talking to mirrors thinking she's taking to her self. She have a boyfriend and she loves him very much. She don't have much of friends and very lonely, very sad too but let me visit her she seems nice I would like to try and be her only friend. And this day is the day am meeting her in our dreams. In the evening she finished talking on the phone with her boyfriend, and went in bed. You will ask me how I k

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