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All it took was one look

All it took was one look

Author: Bema

Chapter 1 1

Word Count: 2453    |    Released on: 12/03/2023


a four year long prison stay. No, it's not because I don't like the school work;

at means I know the people. And I don't feel like

m I scared of my f

hat they might do to me when t

you know m

I'm shamed o

e that I should be proud. Yeah can

maybe I shouldn't use that word; h

and I was trying to keep up. This class was my favorite just because the medical field was what I was going to be involved in for my career for the future. Jeanine who I call J, my all-t

get the hint raising my eyebrows at it. App

icked my pencil up a

thed and set

said heaving

s?" Mr. Simon asked giving me a stern look. I shook my head and said a

who gets in trouble when Jeanine and I talk in class? Slowly I laid my head on my d

p to see what was happening but all I saw was two body's bursting through the door, practically breaking it down and tumbling to the floor. T

fight since I was the one right next to the door. They r

the pain came screaming in my wrist and

. Simons yelled at them while I was still s

ook at her before something hard hit my stomach causing the w

needed to

ing for it to happen again but it didn't. Everything was quiet now it maybe it was because


sitting up but my head was swimming and pounding so

ked a

nd seriously why does it

anine's voice sounded f

it back with a smal

ling?" She asked, tak

ed her face change drastically from shocked

" I th

ember?" I shoo

ou fall from your desk. You hit your head pretty hard. Are you sure you're n

Liam," I starred

tball players were fighting in our clas

n be alive right

ecause he feared for your poor pathetic

me feel so good inside that

get the nurse to make sure you don't need some serious medical a

d me she called someone so I didn't ha e to walk home. She proceeded to give me instructions on how t

es ago and I was glad because I had a major headache. As we made our way out

ion that was begging me to look through the rooms window so I gave in and saw the principal,

ked ruffled and crazy from his earlier fight but I had to say it was pretty exy from the back. I'm sure it was more so in the front. I never really seen Liam uo close and the famous sta

ng on my arm cau

wrong?" Jeanine asked w

ow and notice Liam staring at me. He had a confused and shocked, almost ang

e starin

He's going to tell and I'm going to be best friends with th

me weird, her dark brow

seen on TV, which always makes her smile. But really, she was wearing a light yellow blouse that went well with her light brown skin. It really did look good on her,

e by the way," she said pointing

said slowly walking backwards towards the car. She shook her he

you tomorrow then." I opened t

l better,

before closing the door. Buckling up,

ou hurt badly, I know the nurse called me and said you were knocked out but n

have a headache and I spra

e and get you a wrist bra



ay basher was always terrorizing me. Dad stayed quiet and just agreed with everything she said. It was really annoying. My fourteen years old sister, Co

, craz

e, he still lived with usm he hasn't yet heart what happened to me and I was hoping it stayed tha

e has a douche bag cousin. That guy who always put you down whenever you're feeling vulnerable. A straight up bukky if you were knew one. Well mine happened to be Brent. So any

fore and to be truthful, it was kind of traumatizing. I mean, if my own family didn't like who I was, how would everyone else take it. Bad, that's how. Nash's face had gone bright red

ching Brent from the floor and that was when a full scale war broke out. My

was arguing and pointing accusing f

h in me to kee

e family, then none of them would ever come back. He took my arm and walked out of the house with

o go inside while he kept me out with him. I could still re

ay he didn't feel that same. I was a disgrace and no matter how much he tried t

hrough my throat as I said those words and before I knew it I was suddenly drawn into a bone crushing h

from loving you unconditionally!" Putting me at an arm's length and for the first time ever I t

hat I'll never let them hurt you again. Do you h

tell me you do," I then nodded, wr

than you'll ever know,"

you to

side of the family. My mom's side were more


to my room. I didn't realize how tired I was

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