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"Gentle" Judgement

"Gentle" Judgement


Chapter 1 Free Life

Word Count: 746    |    Released on: 14/02/2023

ling sky. She raised her hand to peep at the sun through her fingers, wh

eedom which had been stripped of for

'm here to

n had not heard it for long, she was able

he did three years ago, waiti

es were reddened with a mi

ickly ran

d his hug for

nt on him was stronger than three years ago.

ed his head, his tears trickled down his cheeks.

d and was too choked

over the past three years. Now that she had

, let's

tightly and walked with

firmly. "Okay,

ot far away. A man in the backseat close

nswered, "Ye

hy and Alan, the man in the backsea

hit and ran three years ago. How co

you think three years' imprisonme

ture you

s he used to do. "Come on, get in the car. My

much more expensive than her original car. Sh

of thousands of yuan. As Alan needed to go to the hospital for an internship,

with an embarrassi

to say in a joking tone, "Oh, sorry. I forgot you're

to get in the car with h

n that car. It took t

school. Alan was an excellent student. He was admitted to South Flora M

st of studying medicine was no less than that of studying art. Moreover, during his postgraduate

s. She had to take several part-time jobs every day. She led a r

after Alan became an official d

ur parent

ore speaking. While waiting for the an

minal record. She was afraid th

I don't allow you to look down on yourself. You are the only one I will marry. If you had

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