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His Highlander Luna

His Highlander Luna

Author: TL DeLeon


Word Count: 2131    |    Released on: 10/02/2023




nd vibrant. I leaned against the cold stone window frame and stared into the wilderness, lost in thought. My father was planning another party for me tonight, something I was dreading. I kept trying to assur

hink I was an old maid by the way he spoke. It wasn't that I cared much anyway, I was quite content in being alone. I didn't need a mate, and I refused to be controlled by one. I was my own pe

ust as my two brothers and one sister had done. I was the oldest, my father's heir, and the o

country, then the entire island of Wales. This particular party, he had invited Alpha's from all over the

er was interviewing men on my behalf and the concept infuriated me. He had a fated mate, why would he believe that I should be different from any ot

into my room. She was only 16 years old, but she was a rare beauty, nonetheless. She had raven black hair an

was a hint of humor in her voice, an

telling you who to be mated to." I snapped qui

, we talked near daily anyhow." I couldn't help but shake my head at my little sister's dumb luck. Only Olivia would end up with her best guy friend as her mate. She discovere

s from her. My fireplace was crackling, flames gently rolling behind the black screen, directly across from the horsehair s

not the same as finding a pebble on the beach." I watched my sister frown, wearing a long grey wool skirt and a black tunic top that clung to her curves, curves nearly as good as mine even for a

vited?" her statement was more of a question, and I sim

s world for a wee bit ya know... explore, find myself before

udwig, the Alpha from Germany. I believe he is a Lycan also and very wealt

perior to all beasts and men. The only souls he felt were an equal to him was the handful of Lycan Kings that still reigned

consult for a historical building somewhere?" My brain was beginning to wander as a plan filte

you go that father would not recognize a building you were supposedly goin

ents. Oliva shook her head and feigned a

rical building?" Another smiled graced up

y would need my expertise." I rebutted quickly

will never keep a secret from our father, and his King, sister." I could sense Oliva's unease, as sh

ered me a very generous compensation package and I simply cannot refuse it. That way, I can get a couple weeks off from work for the "consultation" and then, that will get father of

f her hand, looking at the black glass hesitantly for a moment. My idea was

ned my screen and searched for William's number. Upon findi

ed on the second ring, causing m

older man on the other end of the line realized who was spea

d man did sound relatively excited, the entire pack loved when my parent's hosted balls and parties. They were always the toast of Scotland. I felt my heart drop in my chest, I p

stined to be my parents successor, my mate and I that is. The fact was, I didn't want it, far from it. Although I loved my home and my family, I loved my career even more. I didn't want to run a pack, an

at I would be out of the office for a couple of weeks." My voice was calm as I boldly lied to my boss, I could see in my mind his wrinkled old brow shutter over his heavy eye lids as he processed what I had just told him. He was a kind old man and frankly resp

tly. However, I had seen the guest list in my father's study, and I knew every single

hat he was bowing to my wishes as he nearly always did. I loved the old man dearly. He was only half wolf, his mother being human. He had been raised in the human world, but had come back after he graduated from Cambridge, the sa

us some good money, that's all I can say." He gr

back onto the table in front of my sister. Oliva sneered at me and leaned back in her chair, crossing her long lankly legs. She ran her

father, that's a whole nother matter." I fro

n I mustn't

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