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Babysitting Aurora


Word Count: 1252    |    Released on: 07/02/2023



l Cer


head. Lost i

er even though he was

ty...that sound

ce taken his eyes from h

cing down their flowers as they paid

him to talk but he gave n

eyond he

this? She promised to be with h

d out of the h

feel the dangerous daggers stabbing his hear

l's Be

and closed the door, shutti

that was something that has

ossing it aside. He shrugged off his suit jacke

hower and sat unde

o go to the hospital alone. He

lf? Just why? He was sole to be bl

o, the question should be...

wall beside him. He ignored the pain he inflicted on

bleeding now but t

as now painted i

ing compared to the pain she felt when she got shot in the chest

der, letting the cold water drown him. But the water wasn't the onl

lled that f*cker, his beautiful wife would still be alive. Or may

cried. "It is all my f

up for his sins? Even Go

d out a small pocket knife fr

e cold steel. Fresh tea

eserve to be punished but God won't come down t

shed out. He felt no pain or remorse. He just sat down the

d the pain




" Evelyn as

room since the buria

alive? He could kill hi

" Marcello

you kn

y. His daughter to be precise and catching the b*stard that killed Mrs.

mself okay as well

o. I can't barge into his

Fine." She start

are you

She simply answered b

breath, running his fi


's nur

as in shock to see the

is arms. He was standing by the w

to leave whe

hed her and handed the beautiful ba

ing child from her father

ce was white. He had a bandage over his knuckles. His hair

aven't eaten. Sh

shook his head.

you haven't eaten. I'm worr

ungry." He


up waking her." He walked pa


l's Of


" (Boss). Marc

his breath, taking o

that f*cker." He uncapped the

this but...should

rd glare, taking anot

weeks now...you shouldn't

r f*cking opinion?

ed his head.

given to you and stop s

arcello left

took a large gulp of whiskey,



's Nur

hild in his arms, sin

s, her full pink lips parted a

e sound of her breathing. The

gentle knock


ked in. He b

ith good ne

ently on the cradle bed

o my office

s s


l's Of

Mikhail asked, grabbin

o. Everyone in the house was afraid whenever they see him around. He's

Mikhail paused as soo


, bo

e is


rowned. "

nodded. "

gas all this time and it too

ss." Marcello

ything. We are leaving

rcello r

I want my daughter to grow up in her mother's country." He paused. "We are going to live a simp

in understandi

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