Somewhere in the
22nd, 199
Ravenclaw table and continues to look around. Besides the Ghostly Council members, she sees a few other ghosts around. The students are still pouring into the Great Hall, but they are in their majority already there, each going to their house's table and taking a seat. The staff members are
he able ones. The little Gryffindor is still petrified in the Medical Wing of
like they are the owners of the place, and Susan almost lets a smirk
l lunch when the bell chimed. That bell shook his very core, his very being, and worst of all, he didn't know the meaning of it. The portraits of past Headmasters and Headmistresses of Hogwarts around him on the walls woke up. Some looked arou
the Headmaster couldn't
n, what was that bell? So
the ones that seemed happy and the ones that were loo
rd is c
reed with her with head nods and didn't say anything more. The cu
ing? What is the
dmaster, one of the ones that
said. And it means too that
You know t
er Dumbledore. Observing the portrait of Headmaster Black, that just gave the other portrait that reprimand
ase answer, who is the
ter Dumbledore went into a bad mood. Something, or better, someone was coming, and he didn't know who he or she wa
knock on his door. Still up in the middle of his office and looking at the portraits while addressing h
e on
ook good. After more than 40 years working together as his right-hand woman, he could say that he could differentiate the faces of
meaning of this unsc
t gave her an inquisi
I don't know what yo
ent and read it. It was a notice that this night the castle would have a feast and that the attendan
this is about. Where di
them. Even in the one in the staff room. They are permanently affixed with Noti
st heard from his Deputy, Alb
to do with the bell chime that happened just after lunch hours. The only information that I managed to ge
waited for him to say more, awaiting instructions. Giving a last l
to know more about the identity of this mysterious Lord. If anyo
to finish parchment work. And watching his Deputy depart, the Headmaster
ing him the same things that Minerva asked and got the same answers, he app
d Potions Master of the castle, to sit, and started to ask questions about the unscheduled feast. Being 'bombarde
bably the only thing that I can add is that the person visiting is a Lord. His name or w
lks between themselves, but this time the possible identity of said L
sor Cuthbert Binns, History Master of the castle, enters the Great Hall floating through the wall behind the staff table. His arrival
ause for them it is the first time that they see the ghostly Profe
to see you joining u
lepuff House and Herbology Mistress of the
d not miss the Lord's arriva
eems excited about this Lord's arrival. The Headmaster wanted to ask him about the Lord's identity but was cut before h
w anything about the bell chim that w
would know about it. It was written in the books about Ho
r, feeling proud about th
ed. At that exact moment the clock turned 7 PM, and the bell, now identifi
The magic circle was just like the one that was used by the Ghostly Council for the summons. It was circular (duh?!) and had two squares inside of it dislocated 45º from each other, followed by a 10 points star. The c
fy. Just a few seconds later, the white light starts to rapidly fade together with the dark bl
men and three of the most beautiful women they have ever seen, at least in the opinion of most of the girls/women and bo
out them, they were Lord and La
known as Susan,