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The Villainess is Back to Life

Chapter 3 002. The True Evil, Part II

Word Count: 1182    |    Released on: 17/09/2022

if she always was the one with the credits and everything, I lov

her and she made me forget ab

you didn't use the magic jewel which could avoid your mind from being washed and ma

uld do would be to get some jewels that were imbued with m

protect m

uld never be favored by others like I was, as well as obvious that I would ha

s point? What would she gain by l

n't have had so much trouble while working on a way to make her that s

al Prince. She made me kill all the available Princess from the other Empires and Kingdoms, even the ones that were

y because that ended

ou were. So even if I had brainwashed you and had control over your mind, I wanted to see you genuinely broken and not just because I told you to be, not a fake feeling. No, no, no, I

e telling me the shitty truth in a naive attempt to confess herself and to tak

t let

to see you cry, to see you in pain... I craved to see you showing your hatred and how hurt you were

can't remember the past. A part of me is just... completely shattered and full of emptiness, lost in a dark void

ke I have time

ost unbearable, it hurts more than being dismembered, which already happened

he only thing that was real was my love for her when she didn't

my chest hu

vicious person. Yet, seeing me like this mak

xpression on your face? And you know what? It was worthy. It couldn't have been better. I dare to say that it's the most satisfying feeling I've ever felt in my life. This sorrow, sadness, deception, and hatred on your face Natasha...

sed to react to that? What am I supposed to expect from it? Especia

of my mind, releasing all my lost memories at once. Flooding my subconscious with my, until now, forgot

ly my blood came out. And that made a lot of the bastards that were waiting anx

smile only

u feel bad with all the things I'd made you do and you did. I hope you are terrified by it," I felt the tears in my eyes, but I refused to let them f


ngle her right in the spot. I would separate her spine from her body. Not only that, I woul

art h



rything hurt

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