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Blood Of Ancient Vampire

Chapter 5 Mission

Word Count: 1811    |    Released on: 02/09/2022

r 4: M

me some self defence tactics. I understood everything they thought me in just a few days sice i was fast learner. A fight was arranged where i was to compete against the best fig

hey asked me to do to blind them. I wanted to earn there trust and after there i will ran away. I thought the

all exploded, the person who was behind this got onhold of my army's ashes. They store

en incarnations are done on them, they will ressurect and our enemy knew t

ady for the mission. I was sore, my back ached, legs hurt, and my eyes watered, if it was n

g who was onhold of my army's ashes. Early hours were our best time to fight, all the other creatures were ever weak

under blue cloudless and impassive long -live day beside the ocean, turning in our castle and

sleep, i stirred slightly, slipped from the bed and went to take a b

our breakfast, standing, our eyes peeled o

others were to search in the eastern side while others the western part. I w

ted area where we parted. The first group to smell the king's castle was

g our enemies. In a blink of an eye, six p.m was already with us. The evening light had tur

st had become my bedmates. No matter how many times i blinked my eyes, i couldn't sleep. I didn't know for how long we were going to search for someon

he only one who did that, they had no sharp cl

ies and when they finally succeed to earn their trust they attack them or use them to threaten the others, to get what t

ing in groups of fives and six whisphering to themselves. I looked around s

ds folded into tiny fists beside me, i cou

ressed him as grandpa." The man with silver eyes and hair whom i came to learn later t

a while for them to recover from the shock and summoned for the elder. I didn't know how he did it, but after the closure of his eyes, doings of some weird signs, and growling in a

da?" He asked the

u." He said pointing at

an indiffirent voice, i rolled my shoulders backwards and

ed who are you?" I asked again when he remained mute. I could feel my veins stretchin

e they had never seen me changing into a beast. When they started training me, they wanted to know if i could change, getting suspicious, i told them i can

stick, he commanded the others to sorround me and in a minute cre

eared, they only difference they had is he looked much younger, and his walking

oking for is here." He said pointing at

me to talk to him in that manner, he was respected. I had already taken down the beast in me, i was already a normal person,

a mental note when i take down all of them i will dig deep on all th

mmoned all of us, how comes she is normal?"

to come and take her, like you had asked me to do. I thought she was clever like her parents but i

but your father, with all greed took it from us. We killed him and your mother, before coronating you and killed you too. Our earth messangers

d obviously you were to come back for us to revenge for your parents death, your own death and

the stupid smirk on his face

one in it's only kind. It can indeed resurrect people and also kill them, but bad luck we will drain every single vein in you and use it to ruin anyone who comes on our wa

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