Born Again
strange and wonderful events have happened during the pa
erhaps, are that the participants have lacked the intellige
uld I not promulgate an account of my own remarkable life for the bene
individual who prefer fancy phrases to logical ideas, that t
e and country. All men are my kin, be they white, black, red, yellow or brown. I was born somewhere on the Atlantic Ocean
he United States, for as long as I can remember he too was continually changing abiding places. In fact, it seems to me now when I look back that he seldom preached twice from the same pulpit. Whether this was due to bad preaching or because he had the courage to tell the good church folk many plain truths concerning themselves, I know not, but I do know that in many ways my father was
d it. Furthermore, he was haughty, stubborn and egotistical, and these traits of character I inherited from him. But while I honestly inherited combativeness, stubbornness and egotism from my father,
itution. One of his earnest teachings, which, by the way, was generally ridiculed, was that parents should not bring children into the world unless
ways rated as the very worst boy of the whole institution. I do not believe that ever a day passed that I was not sent to the principal for refractory conduct, and in many instances I was suspended or expelled entirely. Fighting was my chief offence as I was always ready and anxious for a fistic encounter with any boy who was willing to battle. In short, I was a very unruly c
ough life, and during the next eleven years I not only visited every part of the United States, but nearly every country in the world, during which time I experienced enough adventures to fill many books if put into print, but as they have no bearing u