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World creation system

Chapter 3 Emergency Training Room

Word Count: 860    |    Released on: 28/07/2022

place was amazing he thought to himself. After walking for

lows, and some houses were floating 6ft above the ground Jake was surprised at how the

galow just after where people were living. The

n't know of and what if people are inside

e you will be staying till you can find a better

, the inside of the house was well furnished with everything one could need to live a m


at is going to be held 2days time. Since host is a mixture of both fighter and a mage, you can choose the

s of training and next he was going to compete in a competition to get in

at are the 10,

ts are gained when you finish a quest, it

oint needed for the next evol

the giant-sized bed. The nex

host dail

his bath and the system told him to go to

and we'll arrange for training. There was a fighting dummy at one corner and

host will practic

m filled with clouds, and how a

so make you stronger. The people in Terran use this cloud which is called Matter to train that's ho

f all, he could only make a candle flame appear, but through the system giving him inst

made a fist of fire. He was excited, the system

pressing the button on the side of

tarted practicing dojo with the dummy after some hours, and the system t

o ask the system if he could use a

ards the dummy, he was immediately sent flying back, the dummy used his wooden sword t

y level 2 dummy I can't even beat what if it's at level 3, I need to get

to block the incoming attack, Jake then used his leg to hit the dummy it fell on th

ed level 2 of training with 20,000 poi

feeling exhau

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