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My Mate Tempting Desire

Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 1079    |    Released on: 19/07/2022

opy of the book for my next class. Any of you who failingly decide not to buy the book

ich had the phone log visible on the screen. Samantha nodded and was

ishment to serve." He uttered his eyes staring at her keenly before walking out. Samantha dropped the p

get late." Samantha said, yanking her arms off his grip. She gave h

His office was huge and cold at the same time, the air conditione

r next punishment." Mr. Montes let out, sipping from the cup in front of him

nd I'm here to apologize for my wrongdoings," Samantha said. "Alright

gnment from her bag, the book was nearly on the desk when her hand pushed the cup

t she had done. "I'm ao sorry sir, I didn't mean for this to ha

ds him to clean him up but he was quick to move away. He peered at her with an irritated expr

ounce of his speech. Samantha wondered if she just heard him say the F word. He stood up from

red at the stain before biting his bottom lips. Samantha wondered why he was so mad at a little

s he walked towards the drawer in his office pulling out another piece of fr

was diagnosed with obses

oing to say, but

stake would make him this furious. She couldn't move as she stood frozen watching him pull off his shir

ed in. "Why are you so mad at me? I have done nothing wrong to you but you look down at me whenev

eird. Wasn't this wrong? Wasn't he supposed to push her away? Samantha wondered if he knew some

a reason why he kept ext

e Samantha." He said and Samantha smiled hearing him call her name for the first time

say something but he was quick to chip in. "You came into class on the very first day of my lesson extremely late but you stil

could sleep. Her hand had mistakenly grazed the play button that day, it w

almost on the floor when strong arms pulled her close to him, Samantha'

said nothing but continued to gaze at her professor's tiny pink lips. Samantha knew th

e exiting the office quickly. She leaned her back on the closed d

m to detest?' Samantha marveled as

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