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My Dreams, His Reality

Chapter 3 No.3

Word Count: 1893    |    Released on: 05/09/2022

that they themselves were pare

ry, actually. The town I have lived in, since I have been born, is a quiet little town situat

r of kindergartens. There was also a small prestigious college on the outskirts of Arada, whi

scent moon if you were to look from above, high in the sky. The abundance of trees i

y and was more industrialised with big bu

ght and travel another six hours east of the town, you would come across a budding coastal town which had

mises towards my home. My house was

I had paid for it all on my own (with a little help from my parents), with the paychecks I got weekly after wo

house. I stepped into the two story , light bl

on making out on the kitchen slab. That'

ink, sometimes, they forget that they themse

ach other so much that it sometimes made family dinners unbearable. You seriously don't want to watch your

of the world. They made me believe in love. As I stood there, I couldn't help but w

ld get their attention. As soon as I said it, both of them sprung apart

smiled at me nervously. "Uh, I was just,

r own accord to a full teasing grin. "Oh I am

k nervously and practically ran

m and both of us

go easy on yo

but that w

"Yeah, but don't tell

. "Call me when it

cked on Cory, my fourteen year old brother, to see how he was doing, on

we loved each other so much. Sure, we had petty fights now and


y forty minutes. I am not going to

ory, was the least dependable person ever, so they couldn't have woken me up

first two days of my

minutes. After I showered and shimmied into my clo

d class. In record time, I found myself parking my car into the school's parking lot. Hastily, I got out of my car and ran all the way from th

ittle happy dance before I realized that I needed to breathe to compen

gen, I walked leisurely towards my locker. The hallways w

tiny space because I had made quite a big mess in it last year. I

ard the sound of someone's rapid footfalls. Isn't running in the hal

look at the person blindly runnin

e and would probably end up

mean, I knew that he was in the school's football team and he had good stamina, but still,

d looked straight at me. I don't know why, I just couldn't look away. He just kept looking at

I can't deny how sexy he really is. Ah! But that wrecked personality of his! Dress

meone behind me, but I quickly banished the thought when I

redator and I was his prey. I gulped. I had absolutely no idea as to why, Harper Cain

e. Our boots were touching and our chests were a few

couldn't seem to take a step back t

eyes held me in a trance. They were magnetic and demanded all my attention. And they were really beautifu

beautiful, they we

er's gravelly voice brou

my trance. Is he fucking serio

ether all these years and have done various assignments in our sophomore year. He even flirted with me yesterday. But what exactly did

ks in my bag, closed my locker and

per grabbed my wrist and tu

the matte

?" I

ain and I will definitely give you a call." Desperation laced his voice and his eyes pleaded with me. His pink

inely confused now. What

. "I slept with you and didn't call you back the next d


of this

me at his ignorant a

am never going to. Now it's best if you

l some girls left in the school who he hadn't slept with yet? Or that I would reject him, whe

usion as if what I was saying


own world and I felt hi

m his as the bell rang an

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