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Save A Son

Chapter 7 Is He A Doraemon

Word Count: 1432    |    Released on: 12/07/2022

Kiala swipe the card and the panel room slides down, followed by Hiro's eyes, and

t brought

rab someone who's still daydreaming about the panel, who d

he stop when he hear a clothes being teared apart, next thing, h

dont know, all he wants is to take him away, away from that woma

, nor would i like to see you, i dont even want to cross path with you too, so stop this annoying thing, i didn't do

o get a spare of clothing and

k to Kiala and take off the torn shirt, he got angr

in and again untill that face no longer exists, but his mind wonder on

aw Kiala wave at him, mor

adding that Kiala is around him, ma


o leave, he really doesn't want to be involved with this guy anym

ro's resting arm , he wanted to pu

llow my lead, i want

yes, and the crazy ques

surrounded by

eone who he can talk to, tur

ome blood too, and the perpetrator is none other than the lunatic, he walk in front, and scan Kiala, her school uniform is button also tear apart and now showing her

he is a woman, her body showing like this is not good to see," Kiala act like a pitiable smitten chicks on w

m? wake up Qen!" her eyes grows in a cra

be a replacemen

u know nothing about this! stop acting,

to play this and that and if she's not a literatur

r, he can't see the face of Kiala since its buried on his chest,

s him and lef

by Hiro, his furiousness was thrown to air, he look to his leaving b

ere the infi

nd point

hy is he siding with her? ,and why are they togeth

t is he

't h

this idiot is? and why he rushed to grabbed him

wants to clear his name Infront of that idiot, and

tages are, she is a girl, can act weak and s

es and throw him out not once but twice an

nd 02 arrive from nowhere and blocked his wa

going back!", he

s to celebrate your birthday", 0

celebrate my

knife out

is neck without

ing from Qen's neck, which ca

s knife will slip on my hand, and you can bring my lifel

form their positio

neck, no trace

eak read liquid like blood, and he uses it every time his father or those loyal dog approach

nded, he took it with him and change his way back to the rooftop, this bag is scary, it has a lot

wounds, its not that painful, but she wants ro get

eft your bag

ortant, i can get

pen to know

bad yesterday, if it wasn't for 08 m

r anytime and everytime, but for the time being he is concerned about h

/c also inside the pocket bag, and where his father is? he dont have any idea, he grow up with h

sted on opposite sex but s

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