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Save A Son

Chapter 2 Granny You Scared Me

Word Count: 1162    |    Released on: 12/07/2022

per will be the papers where it states the time of death of h

patient transferred

s, picking those flowers and fruits on th


es more slower to him he doesn't like elevators much, but this time it's dif

like a rabbi

nside makes his heart flutter and he run to his granny's side, hugs

kid lost in the park and

ndson was bullied, but what she doesn't know is that he was scared, when he saw the old room she was in, was empty

when i saw the room y

derstands t

idn't know they

that again or i will cry mys

omeone cough, the he notic

back those to s

tux, with ear p

ock his granny, in a

ear and hand h

rectly attend the school, the principal wants to welcome you also, with some wor

? are they the one w

woke up, and see that

something, that makes him doubtful, what is the connection of this school to his life to the extent of transferr

e, since the sofa is soft enough to be his bed, early in the morning

cant ruin, he loves his granny so much, that he wont dare to make her sad, but sometimes his naug

ose hit, he smile unknowingly, he didn't know tha

his granny's forehead again and leave

thing he saw that it was connected to some camera, and he saw his grann

ds, soon you will meet them"

or it, but its better that he c

chool service, if it's not the son or daughters of the school directors, then it must be the son of the school owner, but its surprise th

one of the personal guards of the school

dent with cut on his face and with a blood on uniform, comes out,

nd again and again since he enter a

g, his head was massaging by his left ha

e sit to the right since someo

hen the blood to the other student who came out

ead the sign on the table Principal Kikuji, roaming his eyes around, he cant

it was a golden card like atm and his id,

year in College, you may go", he

he will be given something like rules or any pamphlet for

r, his card still different from the rest, and he doesn't know that this school never accepted or given any scholarship, this school

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