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CEO Contract Wife Give Birth To Twins

Chapter 3 Pains

Word Count: 1098    |    Released on: 10/07/2022

the bathroom and take his bath. At that moment couldn't move a bit again. The pain was too sev

one side, but sometimes both hurts. Not only that, sometimes he feels sh

at he feel pains in his penis whenever he pee and

usy with business and pleasure from women. He have schedules for sex. It was as if he was the

riend, not even a single father but a bill

ll feeling the pains. This time, he

ant for body pains but since it normally helps in minimizing the pains

th and wore my suit. He took my car key

ck as he was heading to the main door. His name is Daniel. He was his cook and his house cleane

without looking back at him. He entered hi

ily for him, the doctor was les

e out of the doctor's office, few minutes to

g unlike he expected. The scanned the room

e busy. She was writing something on a sheet of paper on her desk. After a couple

h. That's how girls stares and drool at him. He's a very handsome guy with a great body shape.

. The more he was explaining,

we need to run a test on you to confirm." She said and made a ca

rine for a test." The doctor instructed. He

She nurse handed a s

e hardly come to the hospital. So he was confu

using it fo

d give it back to me." The nurse instructed.

t you think it will be nice to watch you pee? At least will be able to see what you have down there.

e said and han

s eyes on the syringe. He knew she was going to sink the niddle into his skin. He was always scared of injection since childhood. He stretc

th alcohol and wiped a particular area

He tigthened his eyes lids and twirled his face away. He

his blood sample and

ow morning and collect you

lied and got up fro

before you go.

octor's office and sh

ese drugs fo

take another step after the result is out, though I hope it comes out negativ

you very much." He

row for your result." She said w

took the drug the moment he got to his office and continue his work for the d

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