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Subduing The Mafia Don

Chapter 4Ā Stalking Her

Word Count: 1230 Ā Ā Ā |Ā Ā Ā  Released on: 04/07/2022

ront of him, waiting for her. A sadistic smile spreading on his lips at the though of ho

ed the mall would be at this time. She sighed defeatedly, regretting why she had even agreed to meet Elina here. While her best frie

elf about how she'd have to walk the long distance to and from the mall. She checked her image in the mir

e felt like she had eyes on her and she turned her eyes quickly to scan the almost

mall, feeling the eyes follow her every movement. She pulls o

are you?" Came E

come out please, so I don't have to look for you in the large mall." She said, in a whisper. Turning this

eird." Elina replied, worr

just stay on th

a high school cheerleader with a bitchy attitude. Because pink? Omg I can't deal." Elina blabbed on the other end. Silver

r" increasing her stride to reach her best friend sooner. Elina squealed on seeing Silve

lver's hand and pulling her along. Silver felt the sensation return to her spine. S

ce of her discomfort, but no such luck, the mall was crowded and

diner and have something before we start shopping." Elina sai

ked a young blonde woman,

et you?" She

a ordered for them both, knowing how stressed Silver got over making a

me to go through the menus?" She aske

otdog. Thank you!" Elina smiled a bit too wide for comfort.

is gaze fixated on her and a scowl plastered across his face. His eyes were pitch black, almost staring into

d what did he have to do with her? She cleared her throat awkwardly, dropping her head so she could no lo

e had seen a man there. Or not? Silver took deep breaths trying to convince herself that she was just tired and hadn't had a thing to eat, since her last meal the previous da

mind." She replied, waving away her worry, as s

bout it being unsafe these days, with the troubles brewing left and right. I'm not sure I understand most of wha

g with the enigmatic Russian and his crew, and the flash drive that she had found. Knowing her big mouthed be

a asked, tapping on her hands lightly to get her attention. She realized that s

he says. "Yeah I think my blo

ckly getting up and making her way to the server, causing Silver to s

d that no one was watching her, the man had seemed so real and all o

her mind, replaying again and again, causing the fear in

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