To Be Loved By You
cess of getting an unwanted natural tan. I mean, there's all those fake tanning sprays I can use, why will I go through the hassle
After all, they name those nasty, mass destructive hurricanes people names, why wouldn't they name a storm after me? There's this thing they say about pretty blon
oft. Call me a dumb blonde but I've got the money to get away with being dumb and you get n
. The weather's just not that hot to resort to such extravaganza. Soon, I'll be back
my brother who I told about my return weeks ago. I cannot keep a secret from him
ommate once, but she went packing soon as I started the wild parties. Now, I hav
things. I planned so many things, especially today. But, as usual, they all formed and ended in my head. I can still salvage to
ritz my edges with water, spray my expensive perfume and run out. Wh
towards the stairs and make a run for it. Back in my apartment, back in my room. Th
. This where I do it, and get numerous comments that read: aww, you're so real. aww, you look damn prett
xt sulking that I didn't get it. The rings are more beautiful as I hold th
given in return. But, no, I'll go down a lane I want to go down. I own this stor
e knee, or two if it's required and ask the beautiful man I have loved since I could define love to mar
I'll go to his office first. Facebook is a very effective tool. I don't know w
chool, you will find a truckload of pictures to show you their life and how they navigated
to ever since my freshman year. He's right where he always is as I walk in and thank the heavens or
ll miss his wink. I'll miss this city. I'll miss the coffee and the exams and the partie
my R
tries one more time when I don't see him com
heck, you
n my name already. That insult c
t?" I fa
a heart." I touch my
table is instantly in my hands as I nurse the hot,
e and my coffee when you go back ho
l some once in two w
ce in tw
." He clicks
shitting that has left th
in through the glass door and the window. We're silent for so long I can hear too many oth
e us. Like the striking of a MacBook by the man in the beanie and the glasses.
g, I will marry you. It's silly. It has always been silly but it has been my dream
eeping out of your bag?" He
gasps. One of his e
pose to a guy? I knew
's embarrassing. A few customers have glanced our way
unchtime break is over, saving me from further embarrassment.
for an awkward hug over the table. He doesn't accept it. I
e's waiting for you. You can't wait for it
the s
s boring. It's bare and cold and lonely and I write a big note to my off and on roommate or rentee, telling her that once her rent is up, shell be vacating. Reminding her, really. I wonder if she'll miss
y feet and thinking to myself: Gosh, I'm so tire
ver been good at comedy. I hail a taxi, getting in and muttering my house address like a zombie. After all these years of studying, it's still stuck in my head. Some of these things never go away. Like
n normal until I start to tire, until I start to avoid him. It's normal. It's what siblings do. I open Kiley's Facebook as I lounge on my bed and scroll th
t'll soon fall out. I must see him today. I must see him now. I stand before my full-length mirror, turn around to checkout my ass. On a scale o
en one of my boxes and try to remember which one I put my shoes in, but I can't remember. Is it the red one or the pink one? I grab my paus
know me. No appointment. Fuck, I don't have appointment with him. He's a big g
r her desk and her breasts spill out. It irks me, all these for Kiley to see. Suddenly, I'm considering h
arents, I know. But, it'd be fr
all him and tell him it's Gabby" She shoots me a
one case. Should I call my brother to get him to let this motherfucking woman get schooled? I get an idea. It's s
I was always going to win the battle of shoes going for practicality. Finally, I see a door towards the end, and taking a wild guess that it's his, I push it open. Cool air blasts my face, remi
He beats
damn pictures. What is he, like 6'3? I want to jump on h
he one who's been sending y
y, yo
n forever and I need to do this before I can br
gret this, I'm sure. Loud enough for him and any o
a regular teenager. Now, I want to take this bold step and ask you to be mine forever. Let us run away if you will. We can daily the seven seas
ike I'm going bunkers. I don't deter. I've alre
ake me as I am? Wi
e if I listen more closely I'll hear crickets singing in the distance. Two men wearing uniform bust into the room, cutting me shut, cutting my heart loose. The bitchy secretary cal