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Word Count: 3394    |    Released on: 20/04/2022

of the rain, it's raining cats and dogs, the sound of the rain splatter overcast rapidly, the street

tressful event stimulate a bodily reflex on her, her heart slow down and pump less down, she is panting and running out of breath but that d

her m

her wrath, she heard a thud but not for long, it continues again, she constantly turned back and

her faint voice e


she woke up panting heavi

hat the horror may have followed her, she sit up cautiousnes

e dream" she mu

ne brightly through the window, washing away the vestige of the horror she passed through, she place her hand on

, she swiftly turned back to face the shadow but signed in relieved when she realized it was just her hallucin

8:28am. today is her free day from work if not she would have face the

, she stared dumbly at the book in front of her and inhale deeply, her shaking hand gra

ng to the books, filling her mi

her way out whenever sh

ave me* with that,


was f

he the short lady before me, clad in a sleek, red gown , she was starked against the sno

!" she said desperately and

only to realize that no

t heard yo

k. I glanced at her for the

re to run away to, nothing but snow cov

I whipped around to find the girl reaching for me with her hand

r away and

t came back to me in whisper,

, displaying perfect porcelain teeth.her reply whis

n't recognize me" she

help me,

the scrapping, fluttering sound returned, it intensified

can heard me even when I can't hear

ing the word to me "Save me" before

ib as I vividly remember the vicious voice of the girl's, the room was silent,

s after my nightmare but going

d it on. my hand move to the glass of water on


in my head causing my

pen and Wilson s

nal assistant and

are yo


athing, that prone him to enter

n" I c

s b

me my

he shelf, rampaged se

id as he hand ov

can l

s and leav

he pill and washed i

the sam

dream about a girl's calling for my help. a

ly and rubbed my

loser to shelf, opened it and bring

n my hand on the mirror table and stepped inside the shower. I turned the water to lu

ble silently star

eye and in

ere in

my two month old daughter was stolen, kn

start to grieve" she says

my pyjamas and take my twelve ye

re about to arrive since it was a kidnapped case and I knew the house would soon be swarming with people, and that would be a very scary place for a lit

r trying to tell me she knew the b

to do? stop me fro

mmunity have a very narrow frame of excepted behaviors and outcome for those who are family

ow I was right " Rosella remember Amelia but she doesn't have

made by me ruined all my effort of ensuring Ro

my first fruit of womb. I was fruitless in my marriage for a very long time, m

miraculously I finally got pregnant with Amelia at the age of 41, we found out over a party weekend. my husband was like "Are you excited, I

ate, I didn't have any contraction or other early signs,

ection, I dilated to ten centimeters and stated pushing. they could see the crown of Amelia he

hat labour I felt like I have failed, even though I know I hadn't, Amelia was born through cesarean. I never i

tened when my two month old baby was stolen or should I rather said kidnapped,

t bear the loss of Amelia. I totally lost my mind, should I think of the year that I

a from Rosella, and give her the impression that I have totally gotten over Amelia. I make sure Rosella get a sound education from one of most prestigious institution in America, she later study in police University to become

isn't any sad moment in my daughter life. she has the most beautiful smile in the world but su

sent a report on how the case is going to me via email, but Rosella at that moment gone into my study room and has seen the mail. my daughter being inquisive as a cop begin an u

d on how she get to know, I tried to calm her down but Rosell

asn't true when you didn't tell me anything about my sister health, all you say is that she is sick, i

don't even know how she was treated wherever she is; did you not trust me. did you think I would be able t

en I see my daughter tears. I felt like

her cheek in my hand, and c

you are the one working on the case. I won't want you to pass through such pain beside we don't even the person who kidnapped your sister till today, I don't want to lose you li

ible?" she shake her

the true"

is matter" she asked sobbing,

my head

I bite my lip to muffled my cry, but I fail woefully as I suddenly burst into tears when my bo

am going down, she led me to one of the sofa

n't know that this wha

ed suicide, he blame himself for your sister Shanghaied" I said lo

mouth when I look up and my gaze met with m

ng back at me, I stood up and move closer t

it close to my chest, my husband

sella, don't let anything happen to her" h

will happen to you, and I already promised him that nothing will happen to you so I can't ta

, I heard her sniffles, I let her cry to he

e your hands off this case don't even tried to int

interest in this case?" I aske

f this, I will make sure I find the person who put my family in this pain

't promise you an

ed her repeatedly but she didn't

nee and cry bi

he is always with a information containing Amelia case, I tried to talk some sense into her but my daught

ived a call from an unknown number and she rushed out immediately after receiving the call, her colleagues start getting worried when they call her and she isn't picking up because she was supposed to

the unknown number, my daughter was lying lifeless on the bed, even though the doctor said she is f

ow Rosella is tracking him*

y head in

g on the bed, she is breathing through oxygen m

u when you confront me about Amelia, then all this won't have to happened

band,I couldn't fulfilled my prom

down in a giant rush

oesn't suit you at

u never listen to me, now look at what happen

o catching the person

uickly raise my head up and there is my little m

anywhere, hope you aren't feeling pain a

lled her voi

tight hug before sh

will be fine" I said s

on my

om" she said

ay" I

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