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Emily’s Dirty Secrets

Chapter 2 2. A wrong encounter

Word Count: 1341    |    Released on: 01/04/2022

r with hot breathing filling the large bedroom. "Oh, please....more" she cried, twirling her lips. He leaned over her and brushed his lips on her neckline. "You want more, can you ta

her legs gliding together as she holds the door handle for support. She reaches for the shower cap and wear it on her hair that's not giving her space, she continues to slide her fingers in and out of her, making it two, till three until she became a mo'ning mess. "Shit!" "Damn!, Soooo,...argh Emily you're so..." She bit her lips, throwing her head to the back and when she reached her climax, her legs shake, relaxing her muscle. She cleaned up and went back into the room, she bothered less about braiding her hair since she'd be getting prepped for the photoshoot. Emily might be the only person that never cared to check their phone or laptop whenever they wake up in the morning, it's just something she does at her free time. Done dressing up, as a fashionista with high quality outfits in her wardrobe, she'd definitely dress up to high standards. After packing all the necessary items like, her small sized electric fan, set of new panties, her phone charger and a powerbank. She picked up her phone and her car keys and headed out of her apartment. Emily chose to live in a rental suite for her safety, she took the elevator to the garage and dropped her things at the passenger seat before hopping into the driver's seat. She thought she was all done and ready to live until she set her eyes on the front mirror. "Sikes!" She shrieked, forgetting to wash her hair is something she's never done. She hurriedly ransacked her car for a hair brush and tried her best to set it into a bun which looks so messy but manageable, at least it'll last her till she get to the office. >>>>> It was a normal morning at AJ Sterling's, a popular fashion company and what's expected of such company. It'll definitely be filled with high rank models, newbies and models who're here for audition or so, each room has it uses. Emily is seen walking out of the elevator, the people she bumped into all greeted her but there was no single response from, not like they wanted it. "Good morning Emily, I'll get the driver so you..." "Do I look like I'm ready to go on any trip right now?" She countered, folding her hands over her tummy as she walks into her private resting room, as a top model, she has lot's of exclusive rights in here. "I'm sorry about your ass

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