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The Lunas Second Chance Mate

Chapter 123 – Reconsider, Perhaps

Word Count: 1100    |    Released on: 26/08/2022


doorway. He's too smart and too strong for me right now, my head blotted with the sleepiness that I can't seem t

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1 Chapter 1 The best blood provider2 Chapter 2 Kill her! Do it now!3 Chapter 3 I chose you for a reason4 Chapter 4 Alpha Ryan5 Chapter 5 They stole our mate away!6 Chapter 6 I'm a survivor.7 Chapter 7 What's Alpha Ryan's last name8 Chapter 8 Do you like me for me or for my blood 9 Chapter 9 I wanted him to do something10 Chapter 10 Should I give him my blood 11 Chapter 11 Did you save me for my blood 12 Chapter 12 Mate No. I can't.13 Chapter 13 The Game14 Chapter 14 Victor!15 Chapter 15 Make amends16 Chapter 16 I knew I'd fallen for him17 Chapter 17 Do you want to die 18 Chapter 18 You're hurting me!19 Chapter 19 Why are you pushing me away 20 Chapter 20 I love you, Alyson21 Chapter 21 You have a chance to leave22 Chapter 22 Don't you dare to touch Ryan23 Chapter 23 Kidnapped24 Chapter 24 I would kill whoever did this to my mate25 Chapter 25 He'll come for me26 Chapter 26 Gaining control27 Chapter 27 You two are not mates?28 Chapter 28 This tastes like shit29 Chapter 29 I don't want to hurt you30 Chapter 30 Greatest weakness31 Chapter 31 I'm coming with you32 Chapter 32 If I die, promised to take care of her33 Chapter 33 Don't leave me, ever34 Chapter 34 He left without me 35 Chapter 35 Saved a girl36 Chapter 36 Meet with Jacob37 Chapter 37 My mother38 Chapter 38 I need to be with Ryan39 Chapter 39 The childhood friend40 Chapter 40 Feeding him41 Chapter 41 The winner42 Chapter 42 An Alpha candidate43 Chapter 43 He had to keep loving me44 Chapter 44 I will love you always45 Chapter 45 Meet with Jennifer46 Chapter 46 Tell him my story47 Chapter 47 The Ruling48 Chapter 48 They had to be stopped49 Chapter 49 You have died before50 Chapter 50 Jealous51 Chapter 51 Milady, whatever you say.52 Chapter 52 Jennifer's invitation53 Chapter 53 The offer54 Chapter 54 Diana will be Ryan's mate 55 Chapter 55 Worried about losing him56 Chapter 56 Must take her as your mate57 Chapter 57 Diana being sick58 Chapter 58 New mating ritual59 Chapter 59 Find some fun60 Chapter 60 I would do anything for him61 Chapter 61 You two love birds62 Chapter 62 I cannot accept her63 Chapter 63 My mother's blind 64 Chapter 64 We need a witness65 Chapter 65 Jacob admitted66 Chapter 66 The truth67 Chapter 67 Alpha Ryan68 Chapter 68 Banish Jennifer69 Chapter 69 To meet Jacob70 Chapter 70 It's over71 Chapter 71 Mother72 Chapter 72 You're not a horrible mother73 Chapter 73 The wonderful day74 Chapter 74 – Our Little Kingdom75 Chapter 75 – Wrong Place, Wrong Time76 Chapter 76 – The Alpha's Chew Toy77 Chapter 77 – The Rogue King78 Chapter 78 – The Elders79 Chapter 79 – Useful80 Chapter 80 – Poisonous Veins81 Chapter 81 – Ransom From A Rogue82 Chapter 82 – An Alpha's Promise83 Chapter 83 – Hunger84 Chapter 84 – Do You Dare85 Chapter 85 – Moon Dreams86 Chapter 86 – Shady Dealings87 Chapter 87 – First Aid88 Chapter 88 – Misstep & Mistrust89 Chapter 89 – Eye To Eye90 Chapter 90 – The Surrender91 Chapter 91 – Brute Battles92 Chapter 92 – Negotiations93 Chapter 93 – Beautiful Blood94 Chapter 94 – When It Rains It Pours95 Chapter 95 – Chains and Pains96 Chapter 96 – Welcomed Company97 Chapter 97 – Enemy Of My Enemy98 Chapter 98 – Why Don't You Trust Me99 Chapter 99 – Too Much100 Chapter 100 – Death and Despair