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Alpha Maximus:The last lycan

Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 1463    |    Released on: 11/03/2022


attic window. I slowly sit up, trying not to disturb my wou

, dust and dirt. The edges are tattered with the odd rip, a

white, almost platinum blonde, but it has been years since I have

r the top of my dress. It is a tatty old cardigan with no buttons, so I h

head to look out the window at the birds, hopping around in the fresh sn

Tate and ask him for a blanket, and some warmer clothes. The whole

these nights. Just one blanket, or war

is handsome, with light brown hair, and bro

stares deeply into my bright silver and blue eyes. My hands are on his hand, trying to

and eat our leftovers? You are the pack slave and nothing more, which means yo

y, keeping my eyes on the floor. Alpha Tate scoffs, wal

over my head, and a warm liquid drips down my face. I look at the sauce dripping

e else want to give her something to eat?’ He asks

my eyes down on the ground, not wanting

shouts, and I stand up and race ou

frozen, I step into the lake, and wash all the food and sauce from my hair and body. As soon as

squeeze the water out of them, and h

rner of the room and fall asleep. Not long a

ng at me. His expression quickly changes

breasts, and curl my legs in close

teps towards me, where I’m huddled in the corner, keeping my eyes on the

Hope,’ he s

r half with one hand, and

efully moving my arms and holding them still, so he can have a good look at

body is sexy,’ he says, pu

up against the wall. He touches my face and runs a finge

can, and don’t let go. I taste his bl

re!’ He screams, and then punches m

a strip off his shirt, and wrap it around his finger to stop the bleeding

for that!’

llapse onto my mattress, in shock at what

when he hears about thi

I couldn't let him touch me

r a few more days until we’re eighteen and ho

doesn't like m

us. You’ll see! Sto

s to prepare breakfast for the pack.

s and cups, and give the porridge a stir. I collect the jug

porridge in all the bowls before dashing back

specially Alpha Tate. They say my presence makes them sick

h me for biting his Beta's finger. I wa

serving breakfast to clean up, but I purposely

an usual. I’m able to scrape a fe

food on the table, and quickly run back to

I whisper, looki

s. He grabs my face with his hand, forcing me to

sks. My eyes start to well. I try to look

me!’ H

,’ I whisper. Alpha Tate smi

e wants to have his way with you, let him,’ he says, a

oing to do if Beta S

ld run away?

would freeze to death, for su

get through tonight, in case we

bout tomorrow. I have a rea

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