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Hunter vs Hunted: Moonlight

Chapter 5 Mate

Word Count: 1585    |    Released on: 08/05/2022

bone morphing with painful ease. The fur brought a sense of relief from the morning chill. As we ran through th

ce, stepped next to me and growled at the smell. Connor and h

I thought Connor said they were at the border." C

loner, possibly a scout or hunter for the group. We follow at a distance until we confir

we followed the trail for ten miles befo

, Connor and his

color or ash was tearing into a buck he had manage to catch, and when we burst into the clearing, he growled and stood in front of his kill protectively. He scanned the group before he

color of moss and looking around wildly. "The deer is mine!" He shrieked. He stood like he mea

know this was pack grounds!" He

human form and knelt. The rogue squirme

eave. Right now, and you

he same promise

wider, and he swallowed.

a liar? I see. Not surpri

d as the wolfsbane rope tightened around his wrists, h

might have a place for you. Prove I can't trust you and I'll tear out your thro

tion taken care of, let

a border. I cursed when the sun shifted from early morning to early afternoon. T

was this strong. I scolded myself internally for allowing our borders to get this lax. The death

and nodded. I leapt over the edge and landed on a male mid-shift. We crashed in the snow in a snarl of c

ose was useless. "What is this?" I reached out with my min

a spear in front of her. The end glinted menacingly. Her face was covered in a gas mask and her spear point gli

rger than her moved from the yellow fog with a broadsword, already bloodied. He held it at his side ea


that mother she-wolves told their pups when they wandered to far from home. Human's

back, just fast enough for me to lunge, catching his shoulder in my mouth. Silver burned against my neck, and I dropped him. Hi

my eyes, he was gone. "Can anyo

re!" Con

p? I couldn't think throu

dealing with rogues. The

Connor said, moving next to me an

moving to the back tree

k," I said. And he nodded, he m

! I'll follow

so long. The voice was far, maybe six hundred yards

constrict. A last-chance mate? Afte

ell of blood cut through the sulfur that was stuck in my nose. A rogue, with his back to me stood in another small clearing, blood

ear in dark greens and browns and two odd-shaped swords were on her back. A hand crossbow laid just out of her rea

Mate cannot die

hout thinking and as if he was m

He said, his

me wi

r? W

what I s

flinched when I growled full force at hi

eding until we can get he

. "I think I could hold her on

es to try to stop the bleed

otton shirt. He walked to the woman on the ground and pushed her gently, so she was on her back. The V

left rib and the motion of being turned onto her back sent another fresh wave of red. Her he

sbow too. Put

to avoid the arrow. He stuffed it into my

ion said, panic giving

nd let us

hed and Connor climbed up, the blue s

r, before speeding into

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