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Love within reason

Love within reason

Author: lostwinx

Chapter 1 Prologue

Word Count: 1312    |    Released on: 25/01/2022

kness can you s

- Martin

roses. As it unfolds, there will be joy and sorrow, pa

ve part of life, Aarti mused; he probably didn't know such people existed because he was a

anticipation about what would happen. She bit her nails frequently

"you're next" he told in a crisp voice "whe

lank space. She could hear distant sounds of vehicles honking, the noises of vendors screech

sband, is he here?" She nodded "he should be

...if he can't come soon we'll have to ca

e any minute..he.." she stopped midsentenc

versized horn rimmed glasses, with a tshirt loosely tucked in and a hea

ized to the man "the rains are terrible this time!" He nodde

rtray anything except..hope "you have the ph

keted his key "let's go and get

ced older man, probably in his late sixties with a

e said, looking at her with an unre

sit down, as he extended the document


ent to get out of this dilapid


ted "Anand


is it really necessary?"she a

n't falter "

him dammit!" Prithvi hissed be


" he said even before the man could open his mouth "fat

nent residen

ry instead? We're shifting to a new house and it takes time

"alright, temporary will do". Pr

within a month" he said keeping

chagrin of other two men "I mean...it's too la

ion but kept a straight face. "P

the older man who opened the cover to find new bundles of two thousand notes inside. Beaming, he kept

?"he rang the bell and a small boy walked in "two cups

o glasses of tea. "Please madam..have

ould see cracks on the edges "no thank you". Prit

egarded the young married couple in front of him "does your

" she said in a serious tone.

d "well..my congratulations...you can collect the original certi

e heaved a sigh of relief and checked her watch. Prithv

else to say "I'll go then...". He rai

she rummaged inside her bag and suddenly remembered "oh d

"I need down payment..now". She gave

go h

n irritation "I'm getting late..my shift starts anytime now

his patience "I'll give you the address". She contr

ber one damn thi

ammit? I promised to pay you and I won't go back on my word! Now, if you want the money so badly

finally. "Good" she muttered "I'll take a cab.. and you can fol

rugged "okay..suit yourself" he said. She gave a brief gl

as she passed but she heard it "that I am,

't have gotten involved with the likes of her. But he needed her, or more importantly he nee

could feel the anguish,the despair of having to come to this place...and dealing with people like him...she wis

requirements were fulfilled she would fl

oth thought...until life pla

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