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Tempting You

Chapter 4 I Lied

Word Count: 969    |    Released on: 14/01/2022

hen I saw that Nicolai was not al

e. I don't like what I see. My hands clen

me that Nicolai has

w. I hoped they wouldn't notice how m

zing my chest as I

. I planned to go back to my room

reet your uncle Nicolai? " I wanted to say "No," but I don't want my mo

stairs even though my feet

I was looking at their hands. My hand i

they didn't notice my wr

spicious of my actions. That's why I forced myself to smile and act like it was nothing

the way he looked at her, as if she was the only woman in his eyes. What abo

body was too heavy to face Nicolai. I w

not welc

and looked him in th

rom holding the hand of the woman a

saw me. He extended his arm wid

lai. I cleared the block fr

I was glad to see you. " My dist

hands. Nicolai was wondering why I sudd

see me looking hurt. He might even noti

again, I saw him ta

r Nicolai to see me as a woman to love? For him

fore when I was just small. I saw how my siblings enjoyed having Ryker carry them. It was seen in their laughter and thei

ing room first and wa

le who came into the dining room, which

seat is on

to their seats a

ood I gave you guys." I said, a

e twins said

to get married?" My ste

ed, I still have not looked

nything in mind yet."

y younger. Don't let that woman you

dle of my pork as I don't want to die of jealousy. I

I still wanted to stay for a long time,


going, Paige?"

k because all of them tur

hts on what lie I would spew out to my mo

g came out and I forgot that I have group

e other day, Paige? Your uncle was here. " I tried

rned around and went closer to my mother. I kissed her on the cheek, right next to my stepfather. I was relucta

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