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Carrying the Mafia Lord’s Son

Chapter 2 Possibilities

Word Count: 1081    |    Released on: 28/02/2022

started creeping in my throat. I groaned as I groggily s

do know is that I don't like whatever is happening to my body. Waking up at five am just to vomi

oom. Just as I was about to lay down and sleep, a knock on my door had caught my atten

asked, his voice laced wit

d checking my whole being. I didn't know I was that loud to

hen did

into a hug. "I always listen for any noise that comes from yo

t. Maybe it's because my parents neglected me that God gave me my brothers and my gra

the doctor?" He said, as he strokes my hair gent

ust vomiting." I smiled

y it's more alarming, Cassidy. It's b

t I'm pregnant? You're too paranoid kuya. Maybe I really am just sick. But okay,

d ch

Cyper." I gently pushed him out of the door, he only la


faces because of how frequent we visit her.

spital. I brought Nea and Doll with me who are two of my closest fr

you?" Doll chimed in, "If you have a sister th

." I l

buddies, I even once had a special friend that liked to play around even though h

regnancy.' They're only looking out for me, so I tend to do as they say just to amuse them

ual. Don't dwell on it too much." I said

ospital, where we proceed to ask for my family's doctor, Aun

e her. I feel sorry for disturbing her when the result is probably

ok her head, "Yo

rried of my frequent vomit

closer. She opened one of her drawers and gave m

me how long had this been going on?"

e or two weeks? I'm not really sure since it was last last

ing the pen froze. I also saw how bot

you went clubbing?" Aunt Celia stared at me deeply. It mad

the fact that I was left in the dark of the news that my twin left the country, and being ang

memories, "He danced with me, I remember that his face was so handsome that I kissed him, he also has

tell us?" Nea of

as I said,

ke that test now. Although unlike the other tests yo

g louder than ever, "What do you m

ght now, there's also the possib

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