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The Texas Boys: Dallas

Chapter 4 The First Meet

Word Count: 2805    |    Released on: 26/12/2021

the nightstand it blinked bright green numbers stating it was nine thirty. Rolling across the bed he came to a sitting position running his hands down his face then went back up through hi

o pool at his feet. It felt good now all he needed was a hot cup of coffee and he'd be ready to start this fresh new day. First, he wanted to check on his Mom before he left to go into downtown San Antonio, but coffee and breakfast was on the agenda. The water began to

ile the rest laid down the back curled around his neck to his shoulders. Dallas whipped the towel off as he walked into the bedroom grabbing some clean jea

," he

ked around it to ask, "Are y

o eat after that I'm going to see Mom before I hea

st wanted to know if you were staying so I could

eavily before grumbling

. Tucking the shirt into his jeans he pulled out a black belt with a little silver buckle. By the time, he walked out of his room down the stairs he could smell food cooking from the kitchen but didn't dwell on it long. All he could think about was the mysterious guest they had. What did she look like? Why was she here? Why did his Mom i

lked through the door, "I found some cream Mr. Montgomery

o," he

Hello I'm sorry I didn't

te last night,

a this is my oldest son Dallas an

Montana," his voice was velvet

you to Dallas," sh

us and wondered why, "Montan

an Dallas,"

e from the time his wife brought Montana home he knew she was a determined woman. She was also on a mission and would follow

teeth away and sit down for

me color on a palomino at an Idaho rodeo. She seemed just as spirited as that horse he noticed her skin was a light cream, which told him she would burn easily in the sun. Several strands of hair curled around the sides of her face framing it nicely. She had high cheekbones and a chin that was firm with a straight jaw. Her nose was a small button one, which made

he received when coming face to face with the man who hurt her sister. He had magnificent eyes they were deep pools of sapphires so deep you could drown in them if you stared long enough. His eyes were intimidating enough to make men turn away but yielding enough to make women sla

she said to Dallas earlier, "You mentioned earlier t

s or another state that cowboy's hang o


inquired as she took a bite of eggs even tho

born," Dallas was the one to answer and

ting," Montana felt he

some more coffee, "All our boys are named after

it. How is it you live in San Antonio

in one place and stay. Audrey couldn't have any more children after Houston she never got her girl. After a long debate, we decided San

place with such a beautiful river

his little club when they were younger. The river was

st doesn't want to hear about mine and my brothe

no I've enjoyed hearing abou

ow I want to ask a personal question of my ow

otal ass for asking something which bothered her. She turned bac

ned, "Really, h

she looked at Dallas to see his

were born just like my boys were named for the citie

" he g

e are they," Drake had no reservation

that's a really personal

ad for a brief time, so can't tell you anything about him. He left when I was incredi

if you don't mind me aski

the state," she headed them off then finished, "She was n

ckled then Drake asked som

bling if it's all right," she stoo

any more information about her family, "I'm going to see Mom then head for the SBC Ce

you I'm sure she'd enjoy the act

things to do of my own maybe some other

t him on her terms but instead she'd walked into the kitchen and there he was. He was so attractive and had this magnetism which vibrated from him. She wished Georgia had said more about him because she was starting to think she might be in over her head. Sighing she knew there was no helping things now because she was already here. For now, s

breakfast. She was propped up with more pillows, so she sat straight up with a tray

an, I guess. A little snippy and high strung but

t was her name that dre

for a reason just as I was. Dad tells m

ay and I asked her out to lunch," Au

a stranger what were you thinking

she needs tests done and was staying in a hotel. I felt she would

, "I'm sorry you're probably right as

she believed it would, "Now that's for her to tell you. It's

ked over to his Mom,

t," she pat

is was going to be a ser

u're never going to find love," she sighe

Looking out he saw Montana drive away from the house in a blu

don't want to be h

ness. God does this, so we know when we find our love and happiness, we'l

k you're getting tired I'm going to go. I have an errand to run so I'll be gone f

rope a bull to drag me to the table j

nothing but quiet in his wake. As he walked down the stairs, his Dad was going up to take his Mom's tray. He watched Dallas leave

all right," Drake asked

long enough to see all my

happy is married and in love," D

skey eyes to him, "Of course that's the

at day happen. Hopefully this would give him at least another year with her, he

back after I cle

im, "Hurry," he smi

just convincing him. She also knew there was going

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