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Chapter 3 Annoying moment with Jing

Word Count: 1169    |    Released on: 01/12/2021

ntinue wha

ral times I try to stopped and convinced your Dad. But he didn't really back d

d you what you mean, Maybe dad

ur dad for what he wants, all right honey!, you

g!, that i agre

mom, and I left her

u can did a beauty rest

nd good night too yo

e already at the stairs, while i

bath, i wearing my bed cloth and i take a sleeping pills. So It can help me to take sleep

day p

opened my eyes. I couldn't say a word because I coul

ock is stopping i never heard the knocking

cleaned my body. Before I left the room I loo

g for so long that I've b

see them mama in the living room and kitchen. I would have looked for it but I'm really hungry and the dish

o the kitchen opened

that good t

ocking earlier. I just couldn't

y good. I ordered Jing to woke you up, she

messed up my hair," It's already af

y, just continue ea

're not sel

keep an eye on you, that's wh

mom, and why are yo

he sleeping pills. So I'm just worried! I didn't worry too much because if i called

on't go at the shop. I just took medicine to fall asleep rig

overdose you. That

. It's okay that I'm fine now,

ll we'll just finish wh

t mom! Take

cause I ate so much dame. I also washed my food so that I could move and I also ate less. "When I f

n I was a teenager. I love collecting flowering plants. I just neglected

and my friends picked me up. But now that my dad doesn't have ive stock at home, I'm just inside. when I was in my room. I coul

d our lives. I found out about the wedding. Fortunately, this

you been here? You

mom!" whil

you ful

om. The dish i

e you her

anything to do anymore. I haven't step

t. Instead of just mumbling in your room. Wou

now I can breathe fresh

or you honey, re

It's rela

nish with Jing here? I'm going to go inside,

we're handle it h

Your so beau

Jing don't j

elped you. I hope a prince charming

es, where did you get that kind of such things?.

ays be asleep, it will wake up and the curse will lose its effect when someo

se to get you that's crazy, You'll take care of it when you go crazy y

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