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We were meant to be

We were meant to be

Author: shabz

Chapter 1 Anya

Word Count: 1282    |    Released on: 25/11/2021

fur, i shifted my cat Kitty on m

ugh my window, birds chirping mel

ans mine and Arju

a tradition of spending every Sund

a day of us not fol

ike the way normal people

bration of o

ration of our

jun fast asleep, i smiled at his way

d cute l

his cheek and headed

washed my face, and after th

houlder, in this summer it was better to h

gth hair with my favourite mil

ow they are longer it takes more time in washi

ound my body and came out of the bat

closet you would always find women's wear right? Well in mine

eached to my mid-thigh, that is ofc

ir with the towel and sat o

e mir

irror on the wall,who do you think i

zy or am

snow-white that you can speak to

me about how my life is for Snow white's s

ked at my

bs, which becomes ligh

ot thaaaaatttt long but its longer than ave

utifully shaped lip

ever smile with my lips attached, my toot

can a girl look good in a defined

is body which make

rly?" The sleepy Arjun asked me, he w

curvy body either, its just straight hence am gi

azybones, do you know what the time is? Its

on. Its a crime you know?" He kept on telling me how bi

tened to that bori

you Arjun is the only boy i have ever heard that he was the qua

supposed to be s

and is a c

as always able to

fave player, in fact he

pain, cause some

med," o

was thrown to me and threw it back to Ar

hurt but I had to

, so the pillow that i threw la

pillow and thr

And now get ready for a

meter, i rushed towards Arjun, climbed on top of t

llow could e

ed moving the pillow here and there without seei

o had encountered the trained fighters and he himse

g fat smile stuck on my

aking noise, i have got

omething craziness, cause right now my cr

yes rules, lets find some new destina

there is no use in living, bein

s is happening

got reasons

my mind, my heart beat is r

tune playing w

ch of sun shini

silly feeling cause i have g

Arjun and

eason for m

ths, i don't know wh


elf alive


h the air and looked at me and sai

ght, your automatic-defending-yours

rk brown hair framing his defined features, with little tuf

s perfect? Even af

llows only thinks of styli

with a bird's nest

said," now that you have stopped day dreaming about me, can you come back to reali

lly things i will make him do today but sai

spoke as i was heading downstairs for br

ld be. I


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