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War of the heart ❤️

Chapter 5 February 6th, 1943

Word Count: 6602    |    Released on: 03/07/2021

lley, C

e devastating civil war following the Revolution. To hear that at last a devastating blow had been cast against the Germans in their former motherland was cause for much rejoice. The local militia, comprised most

company in the midst of celebration. Tanya was particularly enthused, of course knowing that her home had been save

swer to what he felt in his heart, and why he hesitated so much to say everything he had been meaning to tell her. He pondered for a way to come closer to the

at he wanted to say to her some days, and knowing that he still could not answer was all the more painful to him. He took a l

n apart. He knew the staff and most of the workers since he often came there in times when he needed to "drown his sorrows" as he liked to put it. The staff catered to him and consoled him with a f

ping down the marble tabletop bar at the front. He slipped in and went to his right towards a circular booth in the corner, his usual spot. The soda shop was unusually quiet, sans the sparse chatter of people in booths and


d to. Why did the name of the girl he had sacrificed everything for come to bear the feelings of joy and of s

nce your last visit. We were begin

early 20s, this man and Peter had a stable friendship that had lasted as long as Peter had been coming to this little place. H

think much of the same. I jus

oad off that mind.

me a glass of w

ot it,

me in unbuttoning his collar and loosening the tie, breathing a sigh of relief as he leaned his head back, staring up at the white tiled ceiling and e


ance of the soda shop. He was quietly joyous to see him, since he had not sp

ood to

in the booth, obviously happy at last to have found h

your cave, never to see the li

rching, I guess you could say," Peter r

ses. "I never thought you were the kind to go all ph

Peter joked back. "More of a personal kind…th

's about T

e s

im his tall glass of ice cold water from

ver been in

ave. You think

I'm trying to

at could not be toyed or trifled with. This was the Peter he had been familiar for as long as they had been friends. Peter had grown aloof and distant from the world and always had a reason to brood and contemplate, even if the reason was undisclosed. In contrast, the obje

've talked about her a lot, but

and Pe

. It'd be nice to put a face to all thos

pectacled eyes and offer an answer but Frede

and Swiss with fries. Hope you l

ank you," Pe

want somethin

replied. "Just a wate

Hall. How's that

aughed as he swallowed a bite,

Daniels, and good

icks left them to their discussion of

tances are you prop

school on Monday? She c

school. There might be a stigma carried by her if she came to school wit

le to get the wron

as long as you

n't like tak

nched Peter in the shoulder,

uy who traveled all the way to S

t the sa

your way through an army of Germans to find he

h him; it'd be a good chance for her to integrate and maybe make a few friends. She could at least see what his life at school was li

demons he had to fight and what nightmares he had slept through. If Tanya was with him at school it might ease the pain and lonel

e if she

laughed, "now wa

or if any of you poke fun

'm not ready to get o

d Peter opening the door to the world one small crack. The two friends eventually bid each othe

stay at the pharmacy for extra work?" Tanya a

nd," he replied matter-of-factly, as he rem

he pressed, sti

he best way to phrase the proposal to her would be. He brea

s want to

interested a

er friends besides

ll very interes

long brown hair with her delicate hand,

about her and how much he sung praises and painted

you a

assured him, laughing lighthearte

d saw this as the right oppo

school with me on Monday? I'

one thing but to spend a day at his school? To be a spectacle for everyone to see like an exhibit in a museum? To potent

And…be with the

ingly, seeing nothing w

don't like me?"

's question, leaving Tany

's wr

a building full of strangers, but becau

me for fearing that," sh

anyusha. And if even one of them tri

ought of him coming to

r, raising his hand and curling hi

mean tha

you here. If anyone tries to hurt you, eve

eaten her while at his school, but was still concerned about something else, somethi

us the wrong way?"

t they want. You an

but had not openly admitted. What truth was there to the two of them, both victims of a war that dragged everyone further into hell, both long lost friends now finally

Is school he

, and we have to learn our American history, but there

udents wea

chool uniform but there's

g her foot back and forth on the carpe

ing this as her a

'll com

ding. "I know it will b

to the living area to exchange small t


ry 8th

ed by the large clock tower staring down like the tower of God on all t

ual day clothes of the winter: grey single-breasted trench coat buttoned and tied keeping concealed his white dress shirt, buttoned up to the collar where he wore a black tie around his neck. Below the hems o

rey eyes, witnesses of many horrors from her old country committed by German and Russian alike. This was her first time going to the boy's school but she was not afraid because the bo

rian in nature: a black dress draping over her knees just above her calves with a white lace-trimmed apron tied at the back in a neat bow. She wore a bow in the back of her head as well,

ampus grounds and immediately felt the gaze of myriad eyes looking to her, walking

r as they walked up the tall steps to the main class

," Tanya whispered to him,

e said with a reassuring smi

his arm. "I am afraid if I do lose you that I won't find yo

ustling hallways filled with a cacophony of chatter and laughing from classmates, friends and lovers. It was as busy as an

w you some of my favorite spots later

re for so long?" she asked as her curious g

marked as they briskly walked up the stairway to the second fl

then it was no skin off his nose. He knew the truth better than anyone in th

es, she looked at his soft eye

you daydr

hallways to a classroom door on the other side. He wondered what she would say if he tol

really that

giggling. "Somehow, for some r

e his flush as he brushed past a classmate goi

hka. We did promise that there

his breath tickling her as

have everyone else find out

nt. The way his breath had tickled her ear and along her neck slightly pinged something s

had make her feel more uncomfortable here when he was suppos

said smiling shyly. "I re

verything he said. What was he thinking, making her more uneasy in his school of all

so. Now, l

nt of the chalkboard was an oak table and chair which Tanya presumed was where the teacher sat. Facing the chalkboard were rows of desks, where the students sat talking and laughi

e students your

books down on his desk and took his seat

emed to compel and engage, patted the

ryadom s

t to his. She was not sure if she would either be greeted nicely or if anyone would

ne would be in on their conversation. "If you feel

ind him leaned over his de

ed a broad,

en asked curiously, as she

ssian so that he wouldn't understan

a girl, but it's not the best

esponded, glaring b

utterance of that word to which he referred to his beloved Tan

t of it,

ies," the boy, Evans, responded laughing. "Then again, I gues

orted still glaring at him. "He was only do

e as feisty in peace as they are in war. So who is she, D

ns, his green eyes piercing with the sharpness of a

before turning back and moti

s not about to let some strange boy get to her. She, like Peter, was stronger t

like a good catch, though. Maybe I should go to Russia and get in on the

find out?" Tanya

er a few ways of protecting herself of which Peter had only seen a glim

er cautioned. "He's just doin

him. "He is not as smart as he looks

pered once more in Russian so Evans

aid, chuckling, interested t

l, Evans, is it?…do you really think of us Russia

'bout 'em. I heard they're so fierce even the krauts fear to

to find out?" sh

iastically. "You're a Russkie,

t believe you are worth

ounded spirit and grasping his heart. "That's cold. You mus

tly on her shoulder, but Tanya felt him sq

ve given Daniels more trouble th

much," she said ins

or. Forcing his arm back around him, Tanya pulled it up nearly pulling hi

slocating them quite painfully. My brothers have taught me well, so

y in Russia," Evan

that be a lesson to you. Never unde

not a Russ

ned silent as the grave from then on. P

moya mila

he said giggling. "I am not a

this time Jane swiftly walked in with he

" Peter said nonchal

ng," Tanya

d, but then found something

of 14 sitting next to him, looking of a maiden to be found from a book of fairy tales. She had long wavy dark brown hair with a white bow in th

r? I guess you're not a comple

e his companion, "This is Tanya, my friend fr

d figure he felt conflicting towards. The girl that brought him so much joy and yet caused him so much pain. She now could see how

," Tanya said smiling up at t

slowly formed

one Peter alway

she responding letting

of a threat as she eyed her with deep blue eyes as one would an annoying insect that had to be sq

e that is every other word out of him,"

ent side come out as she relaxed. "It would

perfect place

of about 45 walked in wearing a suit and tie covere

e take your seats. We ha

ter watching her from time to time. She appreciated the gesture though since she d

w face among the crowd of familiar students. He turned to

e today. Welcome. Would you

e again and frightened by the tremendous amount of attention the class and the teacher paid to


ht on and stood up,

ad. She wanted to see my school,

s brightened with curiosity of their new exotic addition to the class.

yourself in Russian? Give us a taste of the Motherland, i

up, escorted Peter to the front of the classroom, and stood before the entire class with a bright smili

"M-menya zavut Tatiana Petrovna Koslova

ame is Tatiana Petrovna Koslova.

you?" the t

he question back i


teen yea

known Peter?" the t

, promptly repeated it in Russian to her. Tanya blushed at such a

a tebye bylo dvenadsa

12, and when I was 10,

the girls, which made the two of them blush and look away from each othe

i," Tanya concluded in Russian, "i ya na

all," Peter finished, "And

k jokingly whistled, which elicited a chuckle from the t

r told her not to worry as he would explain it all later. Tanya felt safer than ever before and not just because Pete

nderness to share. Everything else faded from her purview and from her focus leaving only the burning feeling in her heart that grew hotter and hotter the longer she eyed that girl. That girl, who coul

ng contempt, as someone i

Peter said to her as much as they exited out

ays at school. It gets b

ung to his arm and followed him down the stairs

ut gave it with confidence and

oing back to you at

er heart flutter as he opened the door to

ect to the scrutiny of his friends, instead toured the campus with her, pointing out to her all manner of things a

se cold days in September, before he resolved to take flight and travel to Russia to see her one last time. He led her down the steps to the courtyard at the front of the campus where students from all walks of life gathered and chatted about different manners of bu

went, but always with a no

s when I'm here," he s

friend and closest thing to a love in this world depressed and

I do

at, Pet

elt his grip on her hand tighten and almost crush her hand. He grimaced, hinting to her how isolated and utterly alone h

hem are like y

ing her see into his soul through one small crack in the fortress he had built around himself. The crack was only known to her and meant to b

, I would never feel so alone and never

o school more often," Tanya repli

e, I know everything will tu

terrupted by the calling of a friend of Peter's, Thomas Hall. The carin

huh?" Thomas jokingly called to them. "If I rem

a breakthrough and finally able to be honest not just with her but with himself, people would always pull him back in. He didn'

ed her, though he kne

eemed to shine with the light



t up,

nt, my de


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