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Is my neighbor a vampire?

Chapter 3 Part III

Word Count: 3677    |    Released on: 10/04/2021

me lipstick, check that my h

es, it's strange, but it's become a habit. It's been two months since we had dinner at his house and my parents became good friends with the Van Ewens, yet we avoid each other like the plague an

ning I look out the window hoping that he will do something different and take that step I so desire, maybe I imagine things in my



dish liquid; this drink is the

ression, stroking my loose hair and draping her arms around my shoulders. That lo

t her, Mom,"

ou, she'll enjoy it too. Don't worry, we'll take full respon

lk about it, I chose it,

e very lonely anyway." she walks away leaving me with th



that are plaguing me, I want to surprise Gerald with my

d looks me up and down. "You are beautiful and perfect, full of l

the stairs. We stand in front of a thin wooden door and she taps on it. I swallow hard and hug the little blue box to my ch

he door behind her. We both stare at each other like fools and I

ot the only one. "S-sit down..." he extends his arm in the

t the box in his direction an

re to examine his room and a beautiful black piano catches

t," he smiles cau

ect and I lose myself in the exotic yellow of his eyes. He looks at my lips so I emanate more saliva than usual, I

dvantage of the sunlight, you would pay less for elect

ad of talking about the cost of electricity, but my brain doesn't sync up well with my

me an incredible sense of peace. I see that the room is decorated in black and white, and some doves that give a little life to the place. I get courage from I don't know where and

and electric currents run through my body; the faster his touches on the keys, the more intense the music becomes. My sensations mix with the violent and passionate melody and my pelvis contracts. What the hell is happening to me? I let out an intense moan as the music reaches its peak and suddenly ends. I feel relaxed and limp, sweats run down my skin. Gerald rises from his seat and helps hold

such a sweet way that my legs wobble and my heart beats

y feelings. It's strange, but I feel as if instead of playing those keys, he's playing my hear


or her, she has left it on and not taken it off. I smile like a fool and play. Beautiful Ester, I love the timbre of your voice, your unruly fluffy-haired, delicate cinnamon skin, and your brown coffee-like eyes. Your lips..., I imagine kissing them, I imag



these strange erotic moments where he plays his piano and I squirm on his bed while he manipulates the keys of the instrument; it is strange and I fear my sanity. It has been two months since I visited him and we became friends. In these five months I have never seen him out of the house during the day and when it is cloudy he opens the window a little to watch the pi


pearance; however, in these last few days, we both watched each other through the window without saying words. His mother invited us to dinner today, bu

oach me, I don't know if I should take the initiative or wait for him to do it. The hours fly by and the hope of patching things up with my friend fades. I go up to my room a


at my house and everything is the same as before. My mother g

d told Gerald about my love of orchids and that my favorite cake was a banana cake. There is a note from him apologizing and he asks to meet me in the evening in front of my house. I cry

red with their parental advice and warnings, telling me I should be cautious and not l

in a hurry, we'll finally fix things

as I hold onto him. We walk in silence and holding hands until we reach a park that, being

to mine fiercely now. Our kiss is getting louder and louder and our tongues are meeting, oh my, what a delight! I've kissed other guys before, but I'v

uth. Ummm... This is enjoying the good things in life, I like this guy too much and it scares me. Gerald moves down to my neck and I feel his breath on my skin, he licks hungrily and I think I hear a little growl. He kisses the area unscrupulously causing my body to

pologizes regretfully for his rashne

nth la

passionate, as if he wants to eat me. I have had to hide several bruises he has left on my neck. At other times he apologizes to me and tries to please me in everything as if he feels guilty about something I don't know about. I know he is hiding something and I am going to find out, besides his parents act very strange an

e one making that beautiful music, but the simple fact that my fingers are being used to create it is glorious and very pleasurable. Her delicious cologne with the sweet scent o

s chest. I caress every inch of exposed skin and my lips begin to kiss it. I am desperate to notice that it gives him pleasure and I take i

and marks to appear," he tries to soothe me. I look into his eyes as I cry soundlessly and I want to believe him, even though I know

he takes my chin, he looks at me with

slowly and I enjoy every sens


s to me. Gerald listens to me silently, he never complains. It doesn't bother him whether his clothes fit or not, he doesn't talk about money or the future. He has never told me about his goals and dreams, h

iful, I don't know what

aist is not a good shape, my breasts a

than a dove's feather..." he looks at me with that special sparkle emanating from his eyes and continues. "Your caresses are soothing and very pleasurable; you are all life and sensibility, you inspire me and drive me crazy. I lo

e birds so much?" I a

What's the point of wearing fashionable clothes or having a fancy car? What's so special about it? Clothes are for covering the body, a vehicle no matter the brand is for transportation, not that I'm against those things, but they are not my purpose and I don't care about them. I change everything I have to be able to feel the sun on my skin and go to the beach du


nth la

n't matter that I'm only seventeen and my parents think I'm too young to talk about love. I won't d

mpse of Gerald drinking... I'm stunned. Is that blood? H

suddenly accosts me and G

nd some garlic arepas I prepared for Gerald in his di

her takes the arepas and disappears with them. I am scared because there is o

Van Ewen is out and Gerald must be in his room and that's why they don't open. I walk through the garden until I reach the courtyard, I approach a silhouette reflected near the fountain, it's Gerald! It is not yet dark, yet there is no sun. He is squatting and making strange sounds, I freeze at the scene: my

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