That Prince Is A Girl: The Vicious King's Captive Slave Mate.
The Jilted Heiress' Return To The High Life
Rejected No More: I Am Way Out Of Your League, Darling!
My Coldhearted Ex Demands A Remarriage
His Unwanted Wife, The World's Coveted Genius
Pampered By The Ruthless Underground Boss
The Warlord's Lovely Prize
The Unwanted Wife's Unexpected Comeback
Secrets Of The Neglected Wife: When Her True Colors Shine
Comeback Of The Adored Heiress
"Tom, who was that girl you were so taken with last night?"
"Wasn't particularly taken last night with anybody."
Which practical falsehood the gentleman escaped from by a mental reservation, saying to himself that it was not last night that he was "taken."
"I mean the girl you had so much to do with. Come, Tom!"
"I hadn't much to do with her. I had to be civil to somebody. She was the easiest."
"Who is she, Tom?"
"Her name is Lothrop."
"O you tedious boy! I know what her name is, for I was introduced to her, and Mrs. Wishart spoke so I could not help but understand her; but I mean something else, and you know I do. Who is she? And where does she come from?"
"She is a cousin of Mrs. Wishart; and she comes from the country somewhere."
"One can see that."
"How can you?" the brother asked rather fiercely.
"You see it as well as I do," the sister returned coolly. "Her dress shows it."
"I didn't notice anything about her dress."
"You are a man."
"Well, you women dress for the men. If you only knew a thing or two, you would dress differently."
"That will do! You would not take me anywhere, if I dressed like Miss
"I'll tell you what," said the young man, stopping short in his walk up and down the floor;-"she can afford to do without your advantages!"
"Mamma!" appealed the sister now to a third member of the party,-"do you hear? Tom has lost his head."
The lady addressed sat busy with newspapers, at a table a little withdrawn from the fire; a lady in fresh middle age, and comely to look at. The daughter, not comely, but sensible-looking, sat in the glow of the fireshine, doing nothing. Both were extremely well dressed, if "well" means in the fashion and in rich stuffs, and with no sparing of money or care. The elder woman looked up from her studies now for a moment, with the remark, that she did not care about Tom's head, if he would keep his heart.
"But that is just precisely what he will not do, mamma. Tom can't keep anything, his heart least of all. And this girl mamma, I tell you he is in danger. Tom, how many times have you been to see her?"
"I don't go to see her; I go to see Mrs. Wishart."
"Oh!-and you see Miss Lothrop by accident! Well, how many times, Tom?
"Don't be ridiculous!" the brother struck in. "Of course a fellow goes where he can amuse himself and have the best time; and Mrs. Wishart keeps a pleasant house."
"Especially lately. Well, Tom, take care! it won't do. I warn you."
"What won't do?"-angrily.
"This girl; not for our family. Not for you, Tom. She hasn't anything,-and she isn't anybody; and it will not do for you to marry in that way. If your fortune was ready made to your hand, or if you were established in your profession and at the top of it,-why, perhaps you might be justified in pleasing yourself; but as it is, don't, Tom! Be a good boy, and don't!"
"My dear, he will not," said the elder lady here. "Tom is wiser than you give him credit for."
"I don't give any man credit for being wise, mamma, when a pretty face is in question. And this girl has a pretty face; she is very pretty. But she has no style; she' is as poor as a mouse; she knows nothing of the world; and to crown all, Tom, she's one of the religious sort.-Think of that! One of the real religious sort, you know. Think how that would fit."
"What sort are you?" asked her brother.
"Not that sort, Tom, and you aren't either."
"How do you know she is?"
"Very easy," said the girl coolly. "She told me herself."
"She told you!"
"O, simply enough. I was confessing that Sunday is such a fearfully long day to me, and I did not know what to do with it; and she looked at me as if I were a poor heathen-which I suppose she thought me-and said, 'But there is always the Bible!' Fancy!-'always the Bible.' So I knew in a moment where to place her."
"I don't think religion hurts a woman," said the young man.
"But you do not want her to have too much of it-" the mother remarked, without looking up from her paper.
"I don't know what you mean by too much, mother. I'd as lief she found
Sunday short as long. By her own showing, Julia has the worst of it."
"Mamma! speak to him," urged the girl.
"No need, my dear, I think. Tom isn't a fool."
"Any man is, when he is in love, mamma."
Tom came and stood by the mantelpiece, confronting them. He was a remarkably handsome young man; tall, well formed, very well dressed, hair and moustaches carefully trimmed, and features of regular though manly beauty, with an expression of genial kindness and courtesy.
"I am not in love," he said, half laughing. "But I will tell you,-I never saw a nicer girl than Lois Lothrop. And I think all that you say about her being poor, and all that, is just-bosh."
The newspapers went down.
"My dear boy, Julia is right. I should be very sorry to see you hurt your career and injure your chances by choosing a girl who would give you no sort of help. And you would regret it yourself, when it was too late. You would be certain to regret it. You could not help but regret it."
"I am not going to do it. But why should I regret it?"
"You know why, as well as I do. Such a girl would not be a good wife for you. She would be a millstone round your neck."