That Prince Is A Girl: The Vicious King's Captive Slave Mate.
The Jilted Heiress' Return To The High Life
Rejected No More: I Am Way Out Of Your League, Darling!
My Coldhearted Ex Demands A Remarriage
His Unwanted Wife, The World's Coveted Genius
Pampered By The Ruthless Underground Boss
The Warlord's Lovely Prize
The Unwanted Wife's Unexpected Comeback
Between Ruin And Resolve: My Ex-Husband's Regret
Secrets Of The Neglected Wife: When Her True Colors Shine
Heeeeyyyyy, this is my first story, so feedback would be AMAZING!!! I'm new to this site since I saw a lot of people liked it, so I thought I would try it out. Tell me what you guys think! Any kind of support would be great!
P.S. I had already written out this story in Word on my computer, so I just posted, like, the twenty some chapters I had. There won't be any messages up at the top like there is here, but my devotion is there too! I love you guys! Thanks! :)
- Shaanxi, China; January 23, Shaanxi, China was in ruins: bloodshed coated the city in a glaze of crimson; any kind of structure eventually crumbled to the ground; fires raged on, the smoke billowing in the air like a beacon for help; limbs were strewn across the streets, dismantled from bodies. In the distance, thunder rumbled, roaring its ominous warning of the storm to come.
One girl stood in the middle of it all, looking around at what she had done. Her thirst tickled the back of her throat once again as she spotted a survivor. It was a mere ten-year-old boy, cowering in the rubble. She shot over to him, faster than a human eye could see. The boy didn't stand a chance once she had selected him as her prey. The blonde waited until fear entered his eyes before sinking her fangs into his neck. When his arm came up in protest, she ripped it off, welcoming his agonized screams. His body fell limp in her arms. She pulled back, her lips now a vibrant red that would no doubt draw attention to her when she entered Beijing, China's capital and also her next destination.
With one more look around, she flipped her beautiful blonde hair over her shoulder and straightened her dress, wondering when her mate would join her.
Come and get me, Owen she thought out to him, knowing her message would reach him in no time. I'm getting lonely. While she waited for him, she decided she would walk around the town to check for other unfortunate stragglers. After only a couple of steps, though, her thirst returned with full force. She gasped, still not believing the intensity of her new body's demands, even after she had fed so recently. Impatient, she gave up on her leisurely walk and ran as fast as she could to Beijing, despite her stiletto heels. A few miles into her journey, she caught sight of three boys chasing her. Noticing their tan skin in contrast to her pale one, she fled towards the woods in hopes of losing them with her winding course; a small town would do after she lost those traitors.
Lightning from the upcoming storm illuminated the scene she had made, and the leader of the three, appropriately positioned in the middle of the trio, snarled in fury at her actions, running even faster and quickly gaining on her. His black hair covered his green eyes, but she knew they were filled with more hate and disgust than they ever had been when he had looked at her.
The two other parts of his nexus number now flanked him, making the girl's stomach drop in fear. They were her worst nightmare. When it was her against these certain three boys, she knew she didn't stand a chance.
With a ferocious boom, rain began to pour from the sky. The dark clouds pressed close to the ground, as if they wanted to get a front row set of the events that were no doubt about to unfold and make gruesome history.
The brunette and blonde boys were suddenly holding her arms behind her back, restraining her. She snarled in protest, her teeth glinting at them in a threat she knew she couldn't back up. She did everything in her power to get away, but they held her as well as if their hands had been iron shackles that not even a newborn vampire could break. The one that hated her most stalked up to her, his features drenched with spite not unlike the rain that now soaked his slick hair, droplets trickling off the ends. Another flash of lightning lit up his face, twisted in disdain. His red shirt stuck to his tanned skin, emphasizing his muscles.
"Please, no!" the girl pleaded, knowing that begging was her only option at this point.
"Did you listen to any of those people that said the exact same thing to you?" he retorted icily, referring to the now considerably lessened population of Shaanxi. He placed his hands around her throat.
"OWEN!" she screeched, her red eyes crazed, scared, and bloodthirsty, always thirsty. "OWEN!" The boy flinched before doing what he knew he had to do. His best friends and adopted brothers looked at him with empathy, knowing this was killing him on the inside. He didn't like doing what was needed, but he would for the protection of the human race. The scream that filled his ears was almost unbearable if it hadn't come from such an sinful mouth, housing two fangs that had overstepped their boundaries.
He made sure to do it quickly, so as soon as he could, he released her. She slumped to the cold, muddy ground as the brunette and blonde also stepped back. Her short, lacy, red dress stuck to her body as the rain splattered on her skin.
Back where the girl had come from, two more screams joined hers as her nexus number perished with her, feeling her pain around their necks as their leader did, though no one was touching them.
Their mates dropped beside them, shaking them and begging them to not leave them alone, not right now. The two girls both muttered 'I love you' one last time before they were gone.
"Veronica!" Veronica's blonde mate yelled her name, tears running down his cheeks.
"Holly!" Holly's brunette mate bent over her lifeless body, not believing what he knew was true. She was truely dead.
Meanwhile, the mate of the blonde girl had reached her too late. He arrived just as the black-haired boy released his hands from around the girl's throat. He took one look at his mate's body and was reduced to tears. His legs gave out, so he crawled over to her, taking her pale hand that will always be the only hand to fit perfectly in his.
"I'll kill you, Seth!" he screamed at the boy he knew had killed his mate. His precious, beautiful mate. "I'll kill you and your soul mate!"
"I'm sorry I had to do this, " was all Seth muttered before leaving him to grieve in peace. The three pairs of footsteps echoed in Owen's head. He swore that one day, that would be his nexus number walking away. He, that sorry excuse of a prince, would be right where he was, crushed and broken, and without any reason to live.