BLURB: Jordan Slane the Alpha of the Red moon, one of the largest pack has been in search of his mate for a very long time. Jordan who made a deal with a demon and possessed his powers which made him the strongest Alpha. Selena, the moon goddess finally gave him his mate. Rose Ryder who was a powerful witch, the last of her kind. Rose life became terrible after losing her parents and her fiance cheating on her. She decides to move to a faraway place where she meets Hannah, Abigail and Mark. Rose lives a peaceful life for a month before she meets Jordan and finds out about the existence of werewolves. Soon after, she also finds out she is a witch, a very powerful one. Faced with a powerful enemy Khaos who is in search of Rose and her powers. Rose and Jordan prepares for a fierce battle between them and Khaos who is a dark witch. A fierce battle takes place and Jordan loses his parents. Due to the pain of losing his loved one, Jordan unleash his powers and wipe out all of Khaos minions. With Rose by his side, they were both unstoppable. The finally destroy Khaos and sends his soul into world of darkness where he was trapped forever. Their enemy was defeated but their loss was great, darkness was finally cleared from the earth and they both decided to create a better pack for their little pups.
The wind blew harshly against Rose's face and her hair kept on dancing with the wind. Feeling frustrated, Rose decided to whine up the window of the car.
"This is where you would stay" A middle aged woman pointed to a cabin which was in the middle of a forest as she turned off the engine and got out from the car.
"Here?!" She looked in disbelief scrambling to get out of the car and stood beside her.
"But there's partially no one living here and it's sounded by forest. How do you expect me to stay here" She turned to the woman who looked at her with a stoic expression.
"The town is just ten minutes walk and beside you have roommates so you don't have to worry" She turned and entered the car.
Rose quickly took out her luggage and watched her zoom off but not before she gave her a middle finger.
"Calm down Rose, you can do this" She cheered herself and carried her bag.
Ding! She pressed the doorbell and a young pretty lady opened the door with a smile.
"Rose right?" She asked with an American accent.
"Yes" Rose nodded her head feeling captivated by her beauty. She suddenly felt inferior when she thought about her own self.
She had silver hair and a pair of unusual blue eyes, her round face and pink lips made her look innocent and young.
People called her weird and stayed away while some said she had an unusual beauty but was scared to approach her.
But this lady in front of her was beautiful from head to toe with brown eyes and matching hair, the gown she wore emphasized her figure well.
"Come in" Rose scolded herself mentally when she got carried away with admiring her beauty.
"I like your eyes" She complimented Rose eyes.
"Oh, pardon my manners, I'm Abigail" Abigail stretched out her hand for a handshake and Rose held it.
She felt Abigail's hand were hot, feeling curious she decided to ask.
"Are you okay, you hands are hot" She asked.
"It's nothing, that's my normal temperature" Abigail smiled at her.
Rose decided to shrug it off and followed her inside the room.
"You can see, this cabin just consist of three rooms, a kitchen, and a sitting room. Hannah would soon arrive, she went into town" Abigail explained.
"Can I ask a question?" Rose interrupted her.
"Of course, you can talk to me freely" Rose nodded her head in understanding.
"Why is there only this cabin in the middle of nowhere?, I'm just curious because I can't find any other houses around her".
"Well, this cabin was my late grandfather, he left it for me and as a lover of nature I decided to stay with my best friend Hannah, she also loved staying close to nature. When Mrs Anderson told us someone was looking for a place to stay, we decided to accept you and you won't have to pay anything" She explained.
Rose felt her head spinning "I won't have to pay?" She asked again.
"Yeah, you won't have to pay. I'm not renting it we just wanted to have another company and I like you".
Rose felt her eyes blurry with tears.
"Oh no, hope I didn't offend you" Abigail asked in worry when she saw tears in her eyes.
"I'm home" the front door opened and a bubbling lady with gold eyes and beautiful face sprinted inside.
"What's wrong?" Hannah immediately rushed beside Abigail and asked her.
"Are you okay?" She turned to Rose.
"Yes, I'm fine, I'm just being a cry baby" Rose sniffed and wipped her eyes with the corner of her sweater.
"Are you sure?" They asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine, Thanks for the kindness. You don't know what you just did for me" Rose thanked them.
"It's fine" Hannah placed her hand on her shoulder.
"So this is Hannah,my best friend" Abigail introduced.
"Nice to me you, oh" Rose said when she was hugged by Hannah, she didn't expect.
"Sorry, but Hannah is the huggy type" Abigail explained.
"No problem, thanks for having me" Rose said looking at the two beautiful ladies.
"Has she shown you around?" Hannah asked.
"We were about to get to it" Rose replied.
"I knew it was a bad host, come on, let me show you round. You would love the whole design and your room too" Hannah held her hand and dragged her around while Abigail shook her head when Rose looked at her pleading with her eyes.
"She is the boss" she shrugged her shoulder.
Thirty minutes had passed since when Hannah decided to show Rose the whole cabin and it was fun, when Abigail told her it contained only three rooms, she thought it would be simple but it was far from it.
The whole wood carving was beautiful, they was a craving of a wolf on the walls, different paintings of wolves and the rooms were massive with a king-size bed and bathtub.
There was also a library and mini bar with different drinks, her room was big and the interior was beautiful, on the wall was the painting of a big wolf with grey eyes, she felt it looking straight into her soul, her skin prickled with goosebumps lining on her skin.
"Do you like your room" Abigail asked when she stood rooted at a spot for minutes.
"Yes, I love it, it's so big and the house feels so unreal, from outside you won't expect it to be this big" Rose said in awe.
"I know, when I first saw it, I knew it was meant to me" Abigail laughed.
"We would leave you to freshen up and settle down, you can take you time to check everything" Roses nodded her head.
"No prob, thanks for showing me round" she thanked them.
"You are welcome, oh and one more thing, don't wander around in the woods alone especially during a full moon or in the night. Animals are always wandering around" Hannah advised her.
"Alright, thanks" Rose thanked them as they closed the door and she was alone in the room.
She walked to the bed and sat on it feeling it's softness.
"This is my life" She murmured to herself as she picked up her phone to check the time which was past five.
Placing her bag on the bed and took out her body and face wash with extra clothes, she walked into the bathroom which was sparkling clean, the walls were white with no stain of dirt and a gigantic tub which could fit two grown up people with space was placed at the middle.
There was also a shower placed at the corner, a water closet and a mirror. The bathroom was big to welcome five people to stay in it.
Rose filled up the bath tub and placed the scented oil and flowers age found at the side, after the tub was filled, she discard her clothes and entered the tub.
The water was not too cold or hot just enough for her to enjoy. All her worked up nerves finally relaxed.
Rose thought about how her life changed drastically within five months.
Rose Ryder was an active young lady who excelled in all her academic and also learnt judo and karate, even when she was called weird which her appearance she didn't care but wondered how she got her hair because her parents hair were black.
At the age of twenty five, she worked hard and started wearing wig to hide her silver hair when she met John, they went on dates together before he finally proposed, she got herself a job as an accountant in the big city of Chicago, she also became friends with Claire who was also her co worker.
Her parents were proud of her being their only child. Life was perfect and she was happy but everything came crashing when she caught her fiancee cheating on her with her best friend.
Her parents were also involved in an accident which cost their lives, her so called best friend created false rumour about her in their workplace and she was eventually sacked.
Left with nothing, no fiancee or friend or family, she was at her lowest when she decided to pack her bags, take her remaining saving and go to a remote place where no one would know her.
And here she was in a cabin surrounded by forest and unknown creatures.
Placing her head on the edge if the bathtub, she closed her eyes , when she opened it, she found herself on the floor staring into the eyes of a big white wolf with grey eyes who was standing on top of her.
Huuuuuuuu , It howled to the moon before she could gather her thoughts, she was forcefully dragged back to her consciousness when someone was shaking her violently.
"Rose" Her name was called frantically.
"Wake up" the voice said as she opened her eyes slowly and saw Abigail and Hannah looking at her worried.
"What happened" she looked around and saw she was wearing a robe and lying on her bed in her room.
"We called your name but you weren't answering then Hannah decided to check on you and saw you were drowning in the bath tub, we quickly had to bring you out" Abigail explained.
"I'm sorry, guess I was just tired" She apologized.
"You good?" Hannah asked "You scared us".
"I'm good, I'm just tired from the journey, I need to rest" Rose looked at them.
"No prob, if you are hungry, dinner is in the fridge you can just microwave it" Abigail told her and held Hannah to avoid her talking.
"Alright, thanks so much" She smiled at them before they closed the door and her smile dropped.
Rose felt her dream felt so real, looking straight at the whole the wolf on the painting looked exactly like the one she saw in her dream.
"What are you?" She asked herself .
Other books by Rachael D