Emma who is married starts having an affair with her male best friend who happens to be the sister in law's boyfriend. How will her sister in law and husband react after they find out
Emma had always known she was unwanted.
As a child, she watched other kids run into their parents' arms, their laughter filling the air. She had seen love, but never felt it. Her home was silent, her parents present but indifferent. Her father barely spoke to her unless it was to correct her, and her mother always seemed lost in her own world, as though Emma didn't exist.
She learned early on not to ask for attention. Not to expect warmth.
When she was nine, she fell and scraped her knee so badly that blood ran down her shin. She limped into the house, hoping-just this once-her mother would notice. But her mother barely glanced up from the kitchen counter. "Go clean yourself up," she said dismissively.
Emma did. And she never asked for help again.
Years passed, and loneliness became her closest companion. She became quiet, withdrawn, never expecting love because it had never been given to her. But nothing could have prepared her for what happened next.
Her cousin-trusted, familiar-stole what little innocence she had left.
She wanted to scream, to tell someone. But who would listen? Who would care? She already knew the answer.
So she locked the pain away, buried it deep inside, and continued living as if nothing had happened.
As she grew older, she convinced herself she didn't need love. She didn't need anyone. But when Mark came into her life, offering kindness and stability, she thought-maybe, just maybe-this could be enough.
She was wrong.
Other books by Ashed