Amelia and Edward, a young couple in love elopes to get married because their marriage was not supported. This decision leaves them broke until they met Andrew Williams, a celebrity billionaire who offers them $2 million in exchange for a night with Amelia They agreed but Edward took off with the money leaving Amelia stranded. Andrew found out and decided to take Amelia in which started a whole new love story for her. Amelia regains her strength and is able to exact revenge on Edward.
Amelia and Edward met in High school, she was a freshman and he was a senior. He used to drive and her best friend, Cynthia home from school everyday.
Amelia always loved the rides because it gave her time to stare at Edward's blue eyes from the rear view mirror. Edward will always state back and give her smirk which was their daily routine.
That was the begining of their love story. Edward and Amelia used to spend their break time together every single day.
Amelia will tell her mum she wanted to study at Cynthia's house and will end up in Edward's house. They were inseparable.
After graduation, Edward and Amelia did not find it necessary to keep their relationship a secret again. They would go out for walks and spend hours at the park having conversations.
This day Edward took her to a small park where they had their daily conversations and spend time together.
"Close your eyes, I have a surprise for you" he said
She did as he said and he pulled a box from his pocket going down on one knee and asked her to open her eyes.
" What are you doing Edward"
He looked up to her with a smile while opening the box with a ring inside
" Will you spend the rest of your life with me Amelia" he asked
Amelia was filled with excitement and she happily said "YES" without hesitation
Edward grabbed her by the waist and carried her up with excitement and gave her a kiss. They were both happy with the decision that they made.
Later that day, they both returned home. Amelia spoke to her mother about the acceptance of the proposal with fullness of joy but her mother seemed to be rather upset.
" What do you mean you said yes? Have you forgotten you are just 18 years of age?? How on earth do you know this is true love and not lust?? " Her mum asked.
Amelia was not expecting such response from her mum because she thought her mum will agree with her on the marriage.
" Mum I know you think I'm too young or I don't know what I'm doing but honestly, I love him. And I know that he loved me too".
Her mum stood up in rage
" What nonsense! There is no way you are getting married now, it's best you return the ring back to the owner and forget about that marriage!" and she left the room
Amelia broke down into tears and picked up her phone. She called Cynthia and explained everything to her. Cynthia was happy about the marriage but not about her mothers response about it. Cynthia assured her that it will be resolved in a matter of time.
The next day, Amelia met with Edward in their usual park with a long face
" Princess, Why the long face" he asked
She sadly told him everything her mother said concerning her getting married to Edward. He also was not expecting such a reply from her mum.
" My parents said they had no issue with the marriage, why is your mum being adamant "
Amelia looked at him with tears in her eyes as she began to cry. Edward embraced her patting her to stop crying.
" We will get married!" he angrily said
" How? My mother is completely against it"
He held her right cheek and looked her in her dark brown eyes
" I'll come up with something, just give me time. I promise"
Amelia was not still certain he could do anything to change her mum's mind but she did have little hope.
Edward approached his parents and told them he needed them to speak to Amelia's mum in order for the the to get married.
His parents did not seem so interested in what he said.
" Edward, I know you love Amelia so much but if her mother is not willing to let her go, why don't you let her go instead"
" Your mother his right" added his father
" I mean I will be more than happy to meet another girl you wish to marry"
" After all they are many fishes in the river" his father concluded.
This statement angered him so much and he went to his room and slammed the door.
" What can I do, what can i do?" He worriedly asked himself. He didn't want to let Amelia down after the assurance he had given to her already.
Edward thought since his parents had refused to help him speak to Amelia's mum, he would do it himself.
Amelia and her mum were in the parlour watching their favour series when they heard the doorbell.
" I'll get it" Amelia said
She opened the door and surprisingly saw Edward.
" You did not tell me you were coming. Is everything okay? You look a little bit stressed".
" Is your mum home" he ignored her questions and asked.
" Yes but.....before she could finish the sentence her barged in and went straight to meet her mother"
Her mum didn't seem so pleased with his arrival
" How may I help you" she asked
" Ma'am I'm here to seek your daughters hand in marriage "
Amelia's mum looked at Edward and gave Amelia a look that made her scared
" If I am not mistaken Amelia must have told you my response to that already".
" Yes she did but I do not seem to be conformable with that decision ma'am. That's why I'm here to let you know that I truly love Amelia and I want to marry her".
Amelia's mum was angry and immediately walked Edward out of the house and asked him never to return again. All Amelia could do was cry.
She look at Amelia with disappointment and went back to continue the series she was watching. Amelia left the parlour in pain to her room to cry.
Just when she was about to call Edward, his text came in saying
"Meet me at the park, I have an idea to get us married".
Chapter 1 First
Chapter 2 Second
Chapter 3 Third
Chapter 4 Fourth
Chapter 5 Fifth
Chapter 6 Sixth
Chapter 7 Seventh
Chapter 8 Eight
Chapter 9 Ninth
Chapter 10 Tenth
Chapter 11 Eleventh
Chapter 12 Twelve-tone
Chapter 13 Thirteen
Chapter 14 Fourteen