A knight and the first of all creation...what could go wrong? Kieran and Eleanora find themselves right smack in the middle of a marriage doomed to end after centuries of grief and betrayal over the death of their daughter, Lorelai from a war centuries before, and Eleanoras continuous candid affairs. But when yet another war comes to the town of Litgan, they will be forced to set the qualms of their marriage aside and fight with, or against one another as humanity, and witches alike come out thirsting for blood. At the face of it all they'll discover an enemy that may just bring them to their knees in submission. Will they be able to put the issues of their marriage aside to fight in the war to save life as they know it, or will the pain and betrayal be too large, giving the enemy the upper hand to tear everything as they know it apart?
An empty grip around a cold, lifeless body, the touch of fingertips brushing against his shoulder...he hadn't meant for her to see this, hadn't meant for her to ever know that part of him existed. Her hands hung loosely around his waist, chin resting lightly on his back. The body of her attempted killer lay slouched against the wall, their gaze locked somewhere off in the distance. Blood staining their chest, pooling slowly to the floor as it dried. Her eyes bored into his back, waiting patiently for him to speak as she tightened her arms around him.
He refused to meet her gaze, his eyes instead glued to the floor, defeated. "You were never supposed to see me like this...I'm so sorry Eleanora." His shoulders tremble as he awaits her rejection, knowing all too well that it was inevitable...that her leaving him was set in stone from the moment he had fallen for her.
She let go, stepping back quickly, her heels clicking quietly against the floor as she walked around him, coming to a stop before him, staying silent. The seconds ticked by as she gazed at him, his eyes still downcast to the floor. It had been like this with him for centuries now, every time he killed for her shame would rear its ugly head in his features as he would turn away from her, as if she herself wasn't a killer. Although she had done a much better job than he had of hiding those violent tendencies that so desperately tried to claw their way out. The seconds turned into minutes as the silence stretched on, her heel beginning to tap slowly as she grew impatient. Her temper finally came to a peak as he turned away from her, shielding the rest of his gaze from her.
"This is ridiculous, Kieran." She saw the noticeable flinch as she used his full name, something she hadn't done in the entirety of their time together. Her words continued, never faltering. "You have done nothing but protect me, I will never understand why you show such shame after each one. It is almost as if you regret protecting me from them. Do you regret saving me from these abusers, Kieran?" He looked up abruptly, his eyes wide with horror, shaking his head quickly as if he were trying to banish that thought from his mind before it could settle. She nodded, satisfied, turning on her heels and walking around the body, the blood still pooling around his open torso clinging to her heels, leaving the imprints against the tile floor. These times were always so tiring, between the men she had Kieran kill and Kieran himself...it felt like she was dealing with children. Her breath came heavily, her shoulders slumped with exhaustion...things were much simpler back in the 1500's, back then she could have anyone she needed to murdered and no one would give a second glance. Hell, they would simply blame it on some sickness or malnutrition. These days however everyone was watched like a hawk, she didn't understand it, people hadn't changed, there were still demons in the world who carried the faces of humanity, still monsters that lurked in the dark, so why in the hell was it so hard to get a job done.
She rolled her shoulders back, ignoring Kieran as he walked behind her, his feet dragging slowly, taking his jacket off so no one would see his blood stained clothing. She sighed, stopping at the car, watching him carefully before speaking. "I'm going out for a bit, Kier...don't wait up. I'll meet you back home in the morning... most likely...alright?" He looked up, hesitant to speak, his eyes practically pleading with her to stay with him. She shook her head slowly, ending the discussion before she made her way down the street, each step away from him taking more and more weight off her chest.