Two lovers were in love and they were planning on getting married but his Boss interfered and tries to destroy their relationship which doesn't sit well with his lover
After the close of Friday church service,Frederick went outside with his face looking sad , covering his head with his arms, everyone who came to the service was leaving for home,then Annie stood and was staring at him,hey bro what are you doing there, it's getting late already, Frederick ignored and stayed mute,am talking to you young man, Frederick was still mute, Annie was surprised and terrified at the same time,she walked up to him and sits close to him,if there is anything bordering you just speak up,I might be of help to you, What if I tell you and you couldn't do anything, Frederick re
plied her, there is always a solution to any problem,I used my school fees to play gamble and the last day of payment is so close,I don't know what to do, Annie was shocked and surprised,are you a member of this church, Annie asked,yes I am,I only attend Sunday services it's because of this issue I came to church to ask for forgiveness and for him to show me the next step ,oh I see,do your parents know about this,no they don't,I can't tell them they are very harsh and wouldn't want to hear this,ok don't worry I will try and see what I can do, just give me your number, Frederick puts his phone number in her phone, thank you, don't thank me yet,I think we should start going home now,both stood up as they left for their various homes.
The next day Annie called Frederick for them to meet up at the school sit out for them to have a chit chat ,hi what's up, Annie greeted,am good and you,am fine as you can see, you are looking smart today, really?,Frederick asked,yes , Frederick became mute all of a sudden, what,why are you quiet, you know since that day you walked up to me I just feel relieved, it's like something left my body,wow that's nice,so are you a change person now or you will still go and play you know,no....I have learnt my lesson,we have been gisting and talking and I didn't even know your name,am Annie and you are, Frederick, wow you got a pretty name,thank you and you too, wow, Frederick was amazed , what? Annie asked,hmmm nobody has ever told me that I got a nice name,are you kidding me right now,no that's the truth,well I did,thank you, you welcome,well Frederick I need your account number right now, Frederick was surprised,common be fast about that,are you sure you want to do this, Frederick asked, please don't waste my time Frederick, Frederick gave her his account number and Annie transferred money for his school fees to him,he was very surprised and jumped up from his sir, Frederick people are watching,common,okay I will try comport myself, Frederick sits down quietly, thank you very much,I really appreciate, it's okay, but I want to ask you , were did you get the money from, Annie smiles, you don't need to worry about that, I need to ,ok I lied to my Dad that I needed some money and it's urgent, that's how I got the money are you satisfied now, Frederick hugs her tightly and was surprised,oh sorry I am very excited,I know,I will make sure I pay you back, don't borther yourself ok. Since then they became friends and was very close until they started having feelings for each other.both were playing video game on their phone, I must win you,no you are not going to win this time, it's my turn to win, Frederick let's go,they both played the game and Frederick won and he was excited,i told you that am going to win,yes you did congrats to you champion, Frederick start's laughing out loud,I think am tired, if you are tired then you rest a little, Annie is already asleep on Frederick's arm,he was surprised and also cuddled her
They became very close and Frederick has already fallen in love with Annie, let's plan catch me if you can, I don't want to, Annie drags his cap and starts running while Frederick was pursuing her as Frederick fell on the ground, Annie starts laughing, Frederick screams,my toe
my toe it hurts,ha....., Annie was surprised at once as she rushed to the scene,are okay, Frederick starts laughing,yah I got you, Annie was terrified and starts hitting him, fuck you, fuck you nigga
Both were sitting down gisting, does he have a car, Frederick asked, who my Dad, Frederick answered yes,sure he does and it's not one but many, wow,he actually wanted to give me one of his cars but I rejected it, Frederick was confused,but why, you know I just want to feel like a student for now,if I want one, that wouldn't be any stress at all, both starts staring at each other closely and wants to kiss but Annie draws her face back, Frederick was surprised, what?, nothing, Frederick became mute, you know what let's go home ,I am really tired right now and I need some rest, okay am even hungry, let's go
The next day in school,am sorry for what happened the other day,it was just a mistake, you don't need to be sorry, everybody is mature enough to know what they want, you caused nothing,are you free to talk about what went wrong or we should let it pass, Annie quickly backed him,I know I have something for you and it's in your heart and I think the energy is the same for you, you can't speak for me Frederick,I know what I want and even though you saw anything just forget it,but why?, Frederick I don't want to go into any relationship now, what are you scared of,am scared of nothing it's just that, then let's give it a try Annie,I just break up with my ex,I really need time to think about this right now, this is the perfect time for us, it's the time for me to erase the memories of your ex from you
Chapter 1 How it started