Kylia a very beautiful girl loves herself and her Aunty... Gaining admission into Pincrest College she fell in love at first sight to a Young handsome man not knowing the man will turn out to help her uncover the death of her mother
She had carefully packed her bags and will head out to her sister's place to pick up her daughter.
Although she was calm and calculated on the outside, she was a total wreck on the inside.
She doesn't want to admit to being scared but she is scared. Not for herself but her sweet angel who hasn't learnt anything yet about what their world is about.
She promised herself to be strong for her and fight for her. She needs to leave immediately and never come back or show herself to these people for the time being.
It's a good thing she has kept her daughter hidden all these years so she won't be involved in the war that is brewing quietly in the city. She prays for this night to pass with her achieving all her plans so that her hard work would not be wasted.
Taking a final look around she was satisfied that she had everything that was necessary and needed packed.
She rolled her bag out to the car. An eerie silence greeted her outside her condo that sent a shill down her spine.
She doesn't want to think of the worse but something tells her that the worse is just about to happen.
After placing her luggage in the boot she was startled with the sound of a twig snapping in the nearby forest. She hurried and rushed to the car but the person she saw walking out of the forest from the side mirror sent her into a sprint.
While running she knew she was being chased by more people from the sounds of their footsteps.
While running she kept praying for a saviour but even from deep within she knows that her end has come.
* * *
It was 3:30 in the morning on Monday. The sun wasn't out yet and the sky was still dark.
The streets are silent with the occasional barking of stray dogs.
A man was driving back from a late night party with some friends who's actually wasted.
Playing the music on his stereo loudly to keep the alcohol in his system less active.
He swerves and moves to the music. A sudden movement from the woods disturbed his fun and he could have sworn he saw a lady being chased by some animals.
He shook his head to clear off the feeling and muttered some words of not drinking too much again after tonight.
Looking closely at the passing trees he told himself that it could be the moon playing funny tricks with him. After driving a few seconds ahead he saw it again and this time he wasn't mistaken about what had seen.
He pulled over to have a clearer picture of what he was seeing. But he couldn't see anything else, and the night became eerie silent like before.
He imagined if a lady was really in danger she probably would have been screaming for help but he didn't hear anything.
Laughing to himself for conjuring a damsel in distress that he needs to save, he started the car and began driving again.
Suddenly something dropped on the top of the car, making him lose balance. Whatever it was, slid on the glass, making it difficult for him to see in the dark night. He lost balance and his car swerved on to the side of the road, almost bumping in the tree trunk.
Scared, he came out of the car and switched on the flashlight of his cell phone to see if it was an animal or a bird....But it was neither....
A young woman was lying on the road in shredded clothes. There were several bite and scratch marks on her body. Her body was missing a lot of pieces, blood dripping from everywhere...but what shook him to the core was the fact that her eyeballs were gouged out and her heart was lying a few inches away from her rest of the body...
He screamed like a lady and ran into the car fiddling with his phone to call the police. At the far end of the forest a lady stood well hidden by the darkness of the night. She smiled and said
"Boys let's go"