Where love meets Imaginary fantasy and is brought to life. Melanie and Morgan, in the heart of the city Of New York, are trapped by their hearts in the same vessel but are from different backgrounds, which hinders them from keeping the hearts in the vessel. Melanie lives in the company of her old grandmother and her younger sister, Suzi. Life is a hard nut for them to crack as all the responsibility of Catering For the family rests on the little shoulder of Melanie. Working 3 to 4 jobs as a student, Melanie was not able to pay all the bills. Suzi suggested giving a helping hand, but Melanie wanted Her to focus solely On her education. In the search for an additional job, Melanie got a job at Morgan's Mansion, Where she was assigned To clean and take care of a single room in the Mansion known as the " Secret Submissive Room." Where all other servants in the mansion had no access. Morgan's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jergo, uphold the family legacy and reputation that they care less about their Only son's happiness; not caring about Morgan's ambition in life, he is forced to continue the family legacy. To disconnect from his reality, he always runs into The Secret Submissive Room, where he gets to bring his fantasy to life with Melanie, and that is where they fall in love. The love between Morgan And Melanie Grew even more as the days passed. However, Morgan kept resisting his feelings for Melanie because of the arranged marriage Contract signed by his parents and the Bugatti family for their daughter, Jessica, on his 6th birthday The Bugatti family is very wealthy In the City, With them holding The highest shares in the Jergos family business. Cancelling The contract will Be a great loss to the family business. But will Morgan let his Love for Melanie go? Or, For the very first time, choose His self over the family legacy?
I now declare you as husband and wife, having a wild and Broad jaw-to-jaw smile Mr. Jergo said to his 6-year-old son, Morgan, and 4-year-old Jessica, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bugatti. In the presence of invitees in the birthday ceremony of Morgan, the marriage Contract of two very wealthy Families, Morgan and Jessica. Being so excited by The celebration. Little did Morgan and Jessica know that it was more than just a birthday ceremony but a Lifetime covenant between them.
The Jergo family had always been known for their wealth and influence; the family business was known as the source of continuous generational wealth. However, Mr Jergo, who was a well-known Businessman, kept experiencing a series of poor investments and failed projects, leaving the Jergo Family business on shaky grounds. The once-thriving Company is now struggling to stand, and Mr. Jergo is desperately trying to find the solution.
As he sat in his office staring at the list of unpaid Company bills and debt on his desk, Mr. Jergo shook his head in disappointment and bowed his head in shame. He had always praised himself for his influence, wealth and being a good businessman, but everything seemed to be crashing in his face.
Just then his assistant Clara, knocked on his office door. " Sir, you have some visitors," she said with her voice stuttering at every syllabus with fear, as she knew Mr. Jergo was not very happy because of the company's current situation and gave special instructions for no one to cone Close to his office.
"Do you wish to lose your job, Clara? Get out of my office and tell them to come tomorrow," he shouted at the top of his voice, tearing into pieces the list of company bills and debt he was staring at a while ago. "But.. but.. it's Mr Bugatti, your friend," Clara replied in a low tone while shutting the office door. "Mr Bugatti! Ooh, let him in, Clara," he answered with a sudden change in his voice, hurrying picking up the torn pieces of paper on his office desk. Rolling his eyes, and thinking of a way to make Mr. Bugatti invest in the company as that could bring back the company to life and back to its solid ground, knowing how wealthy Mr. Bugatti is.
Jergo my good friend! Mr. Bugatti exclaimed after entering the office giving a warm hug to Mr Jergo. They both laughed with their chicks red, playing around like they were in their old high school days. Have a sit, my friend, Mr. Jergo, said while dancing towards The wine cupboard in his office to get Mr. Bugatti something to drink.
Mr. Jergo served the drinks, they had a toast. " haha! You know my favourite wine, Jergo, you never forget details," Mr. Bugatti Said While sipping The Glass of wine. "Common you are my best friend, and best friends do not forget details about each other" Mr Jergo replied.
Getting into deeper conversation, Mr Jergo talked about his worries on his business with a heavy Heart to Mr Bugatti. Mr Bugatti is a very calculative man, despite the fact that Mr Jergo is his friend and he is able to help, he will never want to work on a loss. To him just giving Mr Jergo a helping hand will make him grow faster than His own business.
They both had a good Time, unwinding and bringing back old School members. Mr Bugatti " ooh my friend i had no idea you were going through all this alone, I will see if there is a way I can help you bounce back, I will get back To you on the phone". Mr Jergo taking a deep breath and jegelling with Joy knowing his friend will get him some help and his Problem will be solved.
Getting home with the Promise Mr Bugatti made to his friend Mr Jergo at the back of his mind to meet with his daughter, Jessica in a terrible condition. Her lying down on the couch gasping for air in an anger and struggling to tier of her clothes.
Dropping his suitcase, Mr Bugatti runs and holds his daughter in his hand and aggressively asks what happened.
" she asked for chocolate and I was told by her mom not to give her any for today again since she had taken enough already" Jessica's nanny tries to explain while stamaming and shivering in fear. " shut up you full, you are fired, have i not told you never to deny her of anything ? If anything happens to my daughter you will pay with your life! She is like this because of your foolishness, get out of my house" Mr Bugatti said at the top of his voice pointing his finger at the nanny.
Jessica was rushed to the hospital as her situation was getting out of hand. Jessica was born with a heart disease that demands for her to be given anything she wants and wished for or eals she can suffer a crisis and die. The fear of losing his daughter once he is unable to get her everything she wants as she grows to an adult is one on Mr Bugatti biggest fear.
After some weeks Jessica was much better, got discharged from the hospital and could head back home, however Mr Bugatti keeps thinking of how the feature of his daughter Jessica, will be. As she can not handel rejection. This made Mr Bugatti think deep within himself.
The next day was still thinking of how he could secure his daughter's features in any way. And suddenly remembered the promise he made to Mr Jergo. " Jergo Jergo my friend, how will I help you without letting you deem my light? I want to help but not at my loss, what can he do for me in return ? " . He thought out loud. " He has a son, Morgan . He will grow to take over his father's business. But how can I profit from that with my family?" After reasoning it out loud he came up with the idea to demand a contract weeding between Morgan and Jessica. As that will assure him of the feature for Jessica as she will grow to love Morgan. And if the contract is signed they get married and live happily.
Days unfolds, Mr Jergo anxiously waits for that one phone call that will lift up the burden of his shoulders. " Should I give my friend Bugatti a call to remind him of his promise ? No.. no.. no.. I will look desperate if I do. He has made a promise and I will hold on to that" Mr Jergo thought within himself. One faithful day on getting to the office Mr Jergo was told by Clara his secretary that he had a call from Mr Bugatti concerning the aid to the company and a that he has been booked for a meeting with him. Will a broad smile he entered his office dancing a jiggle dance and nodding his head.
The meeting Is held later in the day where Mr. Bugatti gave his proposal saying that he is ready to invest a very huge amount of money In his company but for one condition, if he will sign a contract of marriage for his son to his daughter Jessica once they are of age. And if for any reason this contract does hold all the company's property of the Jergo family will be signed To his daughter's name.
With a frozen stair at Mr Bugatti and draining complexio, Mr Jergo lips were glued and confusion written all around his face. He knew it would not be fear To decide such in the place of his son Morgan. Mr Bugatti " make a decision real quick as in now" he said while stamping the contract documents on Mr Jergo's table. " but... but... common my friend I need some time to make such drastic decisions for my Son Morgan" Mr Jergo replied
With the heat on Mr Jergo and desperation of saving the families wealth, he signed the document feeling guilt for the condition he put his son in. " wow that's good my friend, you won't regret It, they will grow to love each other and get married that won't be a hard one" Mr Bugatti said feeling accomplished and happy. They arrange a date for the public announcement for the marriage which will take place on Morgan birthday They will be introduced to each other.
Morgan's fate was sealed, but the question lingered; would find true love with The girl he is destined to marry?
Other books by Briana Blakr