Pearl reincarnated from heaven as a normal human girl with no powers. She meets Alvin, a playboy, he is the son of the wealthiest business tycoon in the country. Truth be told, Alvin is actually the devil's son. They fall deeply in love, but both the heavens and Hell was against their love. They go through a lot of obstacles. As they delve deeper into their love, they unfold a lot of mysteries. Will their love be strong enough against the dark secrets and mysteries they discover. Who knows? Read to find out
# In love with the devil's son
## Chapter 1 Nightmare
She stirred continuously in her sleep,beads of sweat rolling down her face, her brows furrowed into a frown. It was obvious she was having a nightmare.
"Where am I?" Pearl wondered. She felt herself moving in the darkness. She didn't know where she was going but she knew she had a destination. After what seemed like forever. She saw a massive building__ No it was wasn't a building, it looked more like a fortress.
Before one could say Jack Robinson, Pearl materialized inside the fortress. She felt herself move along the dark, gloomy, corridor. She still didn't know where she was going to. Suddenly, she stops in front of a huge door. The door knob was shaped liked a gargoyle. One look at the gruesome face of the gargoyle could make shivers run down one's spine.
"How do I get in? Am I supposed to knock?" Pearl wondered. Again she materialized into the room. She looks around the room and saw a lady sitting on a throne. She wore a long black robe with a hood covering her face, but her long ,dark, shiny hair rolled down her breast in curls. Though Pearl was unable to see her face, she felt the dark and powerful aura of the lady. Pearl shivers in fear.
Suddenly, the door opens and a man walks in.The man walked towards the lady. Pearl observes him closely. The man looked very strange and scary. He had longe blonde hair and feirce gray eyes. was very hefty and extremely tall. In fact he looked like seven or eight foot. He had very long nails that looked like talons. He wore nothing except a piece of clothing which covered his loins. As he knelt before the lady, Pearl saw that he had a gruesome tattoo on his back. Three skeleton skulls were drawn in a triangular position. In the middle,was a baby that had it's throat slit. Pearl held her chest in horror.
"My Queen. We've searched everywhere. We left no stone unturned, but still no traces of her. It's as if she just vanished into thin air." The man said, his head bowed. The lady who sat on her throne, didn't move nor make any sound. She was so still that one would think she was dead. Pearl held her breath in fear.
"Find Pearl wherever she is. Find her. I don't care how you do it, find her! Come back with results not excuses." The lady said in a cold voice. Pearl couldn't believe her ears. She just got the shock of her life.
"Did the lady just mention her name? Did she hear wrongly? And why did the lady's voice sound strangely familiar. The man looked like he wanted to protest, but instead he said
"Yes I will my Queen. I'll find her" The man said solemnly.
"You definitely will find her because I'll make sure you never live to tell the tale of what I'll do to you if you don't find her which I'm sure you won't!" the lady said.
"Oh my God! Did I hear well? Who is this lady? Why does she want me? Pearl had million of questions running through her mind. She was so preoccupied with her thoughts that she didn't see the man take his leave.
She came back to earth when she heard the sound of the goblet crashing on the floor. She turns to see the lady curl her fist in anger, her knuckles were squeezed tightly until they turned white. She could feel the dangerous aura reeking out of the lady. The lady stood and raised her hand and turn it in a swirling motion and a strong wind blew everything in the room. The wind kept getting stronger and fiercer carrying everything in it's path. Even Pearl could feel it's impact despite being invincible. The lady roared out in frustration.
The wind suddenly stopped and everything fell. The room was so scattered and the scary aura reeking out of the lady scared the hell out of Pearl. She kept her eyes trained on the woman. She was still squeezing her knuckles.
"I'll find you Pearl wherever you are. No matter where you are hidden, I'll definitely find you. Even if it's the last thing I do" the lady said and began to laugh maniacally. Her laugh made Pearl shiver more. She didn't know who the lady was but she was sure the lady would fulfill her words. One could sense from her aura that she wasn't one who joke with her words.
Suddenly the lady opened her hood and pulled her hair like a maniac. Pearl got a bigger shock. The lady looked exactly like Pearl. They had the same long, shiny, black hair. The same high cheekbones,the same straight nose, everything was so alike. The only difference was their eyes. The lady had beautiful fierce red eyes, while Pearl had mesmerizing gray-ash eyes. The lady also looked a bit older than her. She could be two or three years at most older than Pearl.
The woman smiled wickedly and Pearl felt her heart skipped a beat. Even their smiles were alike. The only difference between their smiles was the lady's smile reeked of danger.
"What in the blazes is happening to me?" Pearl wondered. Her head was pounding, her breath became shallow. She felt as if this wasn't a mere dream but as if she was really seeing the lady, but the lady couldn't see her, or was she in a vision? Pearl was so confused. She knew she didn't have a twin nor an older sister. So who the hell is this lady?
Suddenly the lady stopped smiling and turn to face Pearl, she looked suspiciously towards Pearl's direction. Pearl held her breath and hoped the scary lady couldn't see her. The lady frowned. Her red eyes burned with fire.
"Show yourself or face my wrath." She said coldly. Pearl gasped shocked that the lady could feel her presence.
"This lady is definitely not a normal human being" Pearl thought walking backward. Suddenly Pearl felt a hand on her shoulder. The hand dragged her forcefully from the back so quickly that everything moved in fast motion. Before she knew, she was outside the fortress and was still being dragged in the darkness. Suddenly the hand dragged her upward and Pearl opened her eyes. Her heart was still beating fast. She was back in her room, her sisters slept peacefully beside her. She switched on the lamp near the bed. The lamp was dim which was strange. It was fully charged the day before. She looked around the room and saw the silhouette of a person whose hand was stretched towards her. She screams.