Silence is not always golden. It can comfort, yes, but it can also suffocate. For Amaka, silence was an escape a choice to avoid pain. But sometimes, what we avoid grows larger in the shadows. Her silence was the start of a storm, quiet at first but destructive in its wake. The echoes of unspoken truths have a way of growing louder until they demand to be heard. This is her story, a story of choices, of fear, and of finding her voice in a world that taught her to suppress it.
The day began with a feeling in the air. Amaka stood by her window, looking out at her lively neighborhood. Even with people all around, she felt alone. It was like she was stuck in a box of her own silence.
Her fists were tight. She had so much to say, but fear kept her quiet. She feared that speaking out would break the fragile peace she had made. "It's better this way," she told herself, trying to believe it.
But keeping quiet is tricky. It spreads and grows inside, taking hold. Amaka thought she could handle it. She was wrong. That one word she didn't say started a whole chain of secrets that would pull her in.
As the days went by, her silence grew heavier. It weighed her down and reminded her of all the things she hadn't said. She felt fake, hiding her true feelings behind a calm face.
The people around her didn't seem to notice the change. Or if they did, they didn't say anything. They only saw the surface, the calm Amaka tried to show. But inside, a storm was brewing. It was only a matter of time before it would break that fragile peace.
Amaka's relationships started to hurt. Her ties with friends and family got strained from all her unspoken words. They felt a distance, but couldn't figure out what was wrong. Her smile, once bright, now looked forced, a thin mask hiding the chaos within.
Her community, which had once felt warm and supportive, now felt stifling. The traditions that used to bring her joy began to feel like chains, reminding her of the secrets she kept inside. Amaka felt like she was sinking in her silence, trapped by her own untold truths.
Other books by aniudofot