"I can't date you." She said with her gaze on the food in front of her. Chinuso was a bit surprised. "Well I am not asking you to date me." He replied. She looked at him. "There are no strings attached? " She asked. "None." He replied although he felt like he lied but she doesn't need to know that. "Truth be told, you make me feel different. (Paused) you make me do things I will not do on a normal basis." She said. Chinuso watched as she spoke. "I will be leaving the country in two month time and I have a proposal." She said. Chinuso adjusted himself with his hand folded on his chest to show that she had his full attention. "I am proposing a fun filled time. We make a bucket list of the things we want to do together and grant each others wish. There is a condition though, we don't pry into our private lives." She said. Chinuso touched his lips as he thought for a while. "What happens if we develop feelings for each other? " He asked. "That will be the end of our relationship." She said. Chinuso knew she was hiding something but she didn't want to share it with him. He scratched his left eyebrow. It is a win-win situation. One, he gets to have someone around, he won't be lonely for awhile, at least until the right woman comes, he can just enjoy the moment with Camila. "I like it. Let's do it." Chinuso agreed. Camila rubbed her lips together. "Okay. So we are officially more than friends but not lovers." She said. Chinuso looked at her with a smile. "We are living in the moment." He accepted.
"Chibuzor?" A voice said from behind Chinuso with excitement. Chinuso turned to look at the face. She did look familiar, but he just couldn't place the face. Then it suddenly hit him. "The wedding girl! " He said, almost screaming. "Yeah, it is me." She said as she laughed and went in for a hug. "Here, sit down." Chinuso offered one of the long seats beside him to her. She sat with a smile that wasn't wearing off any time soon. "Look at you.. I mean, it has been like what now? 4 years?" She asked, not certain. "Actually 5...
almost 6 years." Chinuso said as he whirled his glass of wine on the bar table.
"What can I get you?" Chinuso asked. "I will take what you are having." She said. Chinuso signalled to the bartender for a drink for the guest. "By the way, my name is not Chibuzor. It is Chinuso." Chinuso corrected her with a smile. She rolled her eyes. "Well, I was close, besides, you don't remember my name. You literally just screamed, "the wedding girl." " She said as she took the drink from the bartender. "Of course I remember(scrutiny his eyes) Gloria?" He asked, looking unsure. She widened her eyes. "Seriously? Do I look like a Gloria?" She asked with a playful shock look.
"Okay, okay, I remember now. Doyin? (She hit her hand on her head.) Bella? Adeze?" He asked. "Just how many girls have you been with? You have a name dictionary in your head." She said, and he chuckled before taking a sip of his drink. "I do remember, I was just pulling your legs, Camila." He said. She was actually surprised, and it was evident on her face. "I didn't think you would remember. " She said with twinkle in her eyes. "No one forgets such a beautiful name(lifting his index finger up) plus the fact that the owner is really pretty." Chinuso said truthful.
Camila chuckled. "Oh please, now you are just flattering me." She said as she stared at her drink. "It is the truth, though." Chinuso said after taking a sip from his drink. "I guess the world is actually a small place. I can't believe we are actually talking after 5 good years." Camila said, her voice softened. Her gaze settled on Chinuso, who glanced at her at intervals. The excitement had washed off. She was more relaxed. " Yeah... I didn't think we'd see again. (Focusing on her) You said you were leaving the country for good." Chinuso said. There was a hinge of sadness, which was kept at bay almost immediately. "Yeah, I did leave the country, but I came back just last month." Camila said as she twirled her drink.
Chinuso felt there was a lot of unsaid truth in her statement, but he wasn't going to push it. "Here for good?" He asked. She looked away like she was contemplating. "I am not sure. (Pauses)I guess time will tell.(sips her drink) So..." She said with her eyes, asking an unvoiced question. "I am lost." Chinuso said, not sure what she was trying to say. "Com'on, you promised me a premium gist of what happened with you and the bride." Camila reminded him. It was at that moment he remembered what she was asking for. "Camila, that was a long time ago. " Chinuso replied, hoping she would drop the matter. "Durrrrrrgh, a promise is a promise. You said when we meet again, I get a full story." Camila reminded him.
"I didn't think we'd meet again." Chinuso said, now regretting his decision at that time. "(Chuckled softly) should we go get popcorn? " She asked. Chinuso looked at her. He knew she was going to make him tell her the story no matter what. Back then, this story hurt him, but now it is just a memory from the past. Maybe we should actually find out how these two met five years ago.
Eric had a big wedding. He was one man who was sure that his life would forever be on cloud 9. He is finally married to the best woman on earth; Onome. The best part was, she was pregnant...his baby. Happiness was written all over him. He could not even hide it even if he wanted to. Eric made sure Onome had the rest she deserved. Nothing to stress her and the baby. The first trimester often times comes with its own baggage, and Eric was not ready to take the chance.
While Eric was being all loving and protective husband, Chinuso felt angry and jealous. He knew it wasn't right. He should not feel this way, but there are some emotions you just can't control, and what Chinuso was feeling right there was one of those emotions. "You look like you are gonna punch the groom in the face." Chinuso turned to look at who was talking. He was taken aback for a split second. She is beautiful. That red gown she was putting on was really beautiful. Was it the gown that caught his attention or the cleavage? Maybe it was her voice.
"Can I sit?" She had asked and didn't even wait for him to reply. "Sure you can." Chinuso said. "So tell me, why are you at your ex's wedding?" She asked. Chinuso raised an eyebrow up. "She is not my ex... She is a friend." Chinuso replied. "A friend? Oh, please. Those look in your eyes says otherwise." She said as she signalled to one of the waiters moving around. "How long have you been looking at me, and who are you again?" Chinuso asked. "Thank you. (She whispered to the waiter and then turned to look at Chinuso. You are a hot guy. Of course, there are girls staring at you.. Including me. I am Camila, by the way. " She answered before sipping her drink.
Lines on Chinuso's face smoothened. He blushed a little. "I will take that as a compliment. I am Chinuso." Chinuso replied. She nodded her head. "So are you going to tell me?" She asked. "It is complicated." He said. "In simple terms." She told him. She was not really curious she just wanted to talk to him. "I will tell you when we meet again." He said. " Not fair. I am leaving the country, I don't think I'll be coming back." She said with her brows furrowed slightly, contouring her face with cuteness. "Too bad. How about we get out of here, I can make your last day here memorable." Chinuso said, flirting with her.
"What if I don't get intrigued?" She asked. "What if you do?" He asked with his fingers hitting the table. He was pretty confident. "I guess there is one way to find out." She said and stood up. Chinuso joined her. "Darling, you have no idea how many girls are dying to be in my spot right now." Camila said as she felt like she had won a jackpot, making people turn their heads. "I know one who isn't." he thought to himself. "I guess we better do it right." he said and dragged her closer to himself. He liked her. She was confident and lively, and she sounded smart. He thought he would make this night the best for her so she would remember him always wherever she was.
Chapter 1 A path made by fate
Chapter 2 Broken thoughts
Chapter 3 Mr.Nanny
Chapter 4 A little above friendship
Chapter 5 Confused
Chapter 6 A new phase
Chapter 7 Terms and conditions
Chapter 8 Separating feelings from pleasures
Chapter 9 Chinuso's resolution