Jessica was a girl who grew up with a brother and a single - parent. She always follows the laid down principles of the family and follows her brother's advice. Until now, Paul, the Billionaire son who her brother hates so much because of his womanizing lifestyle and him using his money and influence to get girls including the love of his life. To Jessica she has found true love but to her brother is all about revenge
Summer looks like a very long time especially when you are working at your father's bar, Damian walked up to me, and gave me a hug. "How's my best lady?
"Yea! Been working here all summer!" Rex saluted and smiled. I let out a laugh.
"I really missed you guys." I said as Mark bought me a wine.
"Where is your brother?" Mark asked me. As usual, "Duran isn't here yet." I said. My best friend Ashely walked up to me.
"Hey!" She handed me the wine Mark bought me. I sighed in relieve.
"Long time, no see?" Ashely leaned close so I could hear her better.
"Seen the rich man-whore yet?" I knew instantly who she was talking about. Paul. He has been plowing through every girl in our area, and the college girls. He pretty much gets laid every night. Well, he does. Sad, I know. How could you still like him, is he that handsome?, He always comes to the bar to have a drink, Well am sure he wishes to have you so I heard from a reliable source, As if on cue Paul comes through the crowd.
"Jessica!" He yells. I giggle. Paul envelopes me in a giant hug.
Shivers run down my spine as he whispers, "Damn, come dance with me." I blush furiously as he pulls me through the crowd. We are out on the dance floor in a matter of seconds dancing to the music.
Damn! Jessica you are always killing me every time I come here, but tonight I can't take it anymore, I know how Mr. Moe will kill me if He sees me with you, but I can't take it anymore. I have gotten almost every girl in town except a couple other girls who lived in the same neighborhood with me. I think you get the idea. Now I had Jessica dancing on me with no Duran in sight. That is until I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"Back off." Duran hissed. I held up my hands in defense. "We were just dancing."
Duran was staring at me. "Just lay off. Go back to Ann, she's pissed at you. Calm down." I sighed in defeat. There was no use in arguing with him. I sauntered away.
"Why the hell would you do that!?" I yelled as soon as I got into Duran's truck. I heard him sigh deeply. Did he always have to be such an ass?
"He just wanted to get laid. He didn't care who it was, so he went to the first girl." Duran knew I knew the real reason. I should be protected. Paul is a son of Mr. Tommy Arson the owner of Arson Resources, he has come from a rich and arrogant family. But I didn't press any further, it's no use. The rest of the car ride was silent. I raced to my bedroom, and slammed the door right as I got home.
It heard a tapping on my window. It was 1 o'clock in the morning. I went to my window, and stuck my head outside. My heart fluttered as I saw Paul below it.
"Wanna go to the lake?" Just me and Paul? Hell yes!
"Yea! Just give me a second to get ready." I saw Paul nod. I was just getting ready when I almost screamed in fear. Paul had climbed into my bedroom.
He looked at me and had that dirty smile on his face. "Hey, though I could help you get ready. I let out a laugh.
"Nah, I'm ready."
"Come we got to hurry." Paul said as he grabbed my hand, and lead me to the window.
Once we got to the lake I realized it wasn't going to be just me, and him. We walked through the crowd.
"Why the heck would you bring this "Thing" here Magi Paul's little sister asked?".
"She needs to get out more. I'm just helping out the sexy girl." He snuck a glance at my red face. He knew his million-dollar smile has effect on girls.
"I'm going to let this slide, but don't let Dad find out. He would kill you for bringing a low life to our partly" I laughed at Magi's statement because, He is extremely strict.
"Want a drink?" I felt Paul's breath against my ear. "Yea. Thanks." I replied.
"Be right back." Paul's body left my side. Ann was shaking her head at me.
"Paul Arson. Why the man-whore?" I hated when people called him that, but it was true. I ignored her and she walked away.
It's been a while since Paul left. I went to find him. I was walking through the dance floor when I found him. Grinding on Ann. I walked over to Tyler, and pulled him away. I could hear Ann yelling at me. I dragged Paul out to the bank next to the lake.
"Hi." I snapped.
"Whoa! No need to get snappy with me! I just needed an excuse for you to touch me." Paul winked and smiled at me.
I kind of liked this. I might actually get to kiss him. My life's dream! I have wanted to kiss a boy ever since I was old enough to kiss. I took a step toward him.
" no nooo." He said backing away. I stopped dead in my tracks.
"What's wrong?" I asked, confused.
"Get away." Paul snapped at me.
"Excuse me?" I was getting pissed now.
"You're such a slut! You are trying to get laid huh? Well not by me! Go find some other sucker to screw you over. I'm not wasting my time with a girl who doesn't even have a dime to her name." I was close to tears. How could he say that? It has to be the alcohol talking.
"What's your problem?!" I yelled.
"You." Paul said then sauntered away back to drunk Ann.
I had no idea what had just happened. All I know is that I need alcohol. And a lot of it.
I woke to the sun streaming in my bedroom. I tried to sit up, but the room started to spin. I groaned.
"Now you learned your lesson." I heard the irritation in Duran's voice.
"How did I get home?" I asked.
"Magi. You will have to thank her tomorrow. I can tell you, you're going to have a serious hangover," There was a long pause before Duran spoke again, "So get laid by Paul last night?".
Other books by Harvet fells