Michelle thought she had everything she needed in her marriage to billionaire Nathaniel Williams. It wasn't the passionate love she once dreamed of, but a practical union that gave her security and freedom to build her career. But as she settles into her new life, she finds herself drawn to Nathaniel's best friend, Tristan-a man who stirs desires she never expected. Torn between loyalty to her husband and the magnetic attraction she feels for Tristan, Michelle is forced to confront her true emotions. Can she keep it together in a marriage built on convenience, or will she dive headfirst into a dangerous temptation that could blow everything up?
The church was silent, except for the soft rustle of my wedding dress as I shifted, feeling the weight of a decision, I had made so many months ago.
This was the best decision, I told myself. It had to be. After all, this was the only path left to me.
I looked at the face of my best friend, soon-to-be husband, a warm smile spreading across his face as he looked at me and I returned a gentle smile at him.
Even if I didn't feel any romantic spark for him at least now I know I was finally going to be with my best friend every day and get to spend so much time together. I was marrying someone I knew, someone who understood me in ways no one else did.
Spending every day with him-my best friend, my partner-was the reward. It had to be enough, right?
The room smelled of roses and candle wax, the kind of scent that should make everything seem romantic, like the start of a fairytale, but unfortunately there was nothing fairytale about this.
I had promised myself I wouldn't think about it today, not now, not when everything was finally falling into place.
"Do you, Michelle, take Nathaniel to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
The question felt like it was asked to someone else, I looked at Nathaniel, his expression filled with anticipation and understanding, his soft hands massaging my hands as if he knew how tense and confused I felt.
"I do," I answered, my voice steady even though some part of me wanted to go on, to express myself.
I could feel the weight of eyes that watched us behind me, and some murmurs from the guests, it was as if they could read my mind or sense the hesitation in me. Or maybe I was overthinking, there was no way they knew what was going on through my mind.
Then something caught my attention, a figure behind Nathaniel, stumbling in as if he'd just arrived, the man wore matching suits just like the rest of the groomsmen, there was just something about him that called my attention.
I narrowed my eyes to get a better view of him. His suit hugged his broad shoulders, and his muscles, toned in a way that was visible even beneath the fabric. His brunette hair was perfectly slicked back, with a few strands of black shiny locks falling casually over his forehead.
Aside from how majestic he looked, who was this man, and why on earth was he coming late to my wedding?
My curiosity piqued, and for some reason, I was suddenly invested in this man. Was it normal for someone to walk in at the last minute like that? I tore my gaze away, forcing my mind back to the moment.
The priest's voice faded as my attention was completely taken by the feeling of Nathaniel's hand on mine.
He was speaking now, reciting the vows he had written with such care, the same vows he'd probably rehearsed in his head a thousand times before today. I could tell from the look on his face that he was here and fully present.
"Michelle," Nathaniel's warm voice broke through my reverie of thoughts, and I blinked, realizing I'd missed the last part of his vows.
His hand squeezed mine gently, a small smile tugging on his lips.
I had to pull myself together. This wasn't just about me. This was about the life we were building. This was about the future.
"Michelle, do you take me to be your husband? To love and cherish, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health?" His voice was genuine and filled with hope. He deserved my commitment and trust, he was there for me always- through thick and thin.
"I do," I said, the words falling easily from my lips, even though it felt wrong.
This started to feel like a mistake, but I held myself, suppressing whatever I had inside to pull out a bright face for the guests as the priest led us through the final step.
Nathaniel slid the ring onto my finger, the cool weight of it reminding me of the commitment I had just made. The priest declared us husband and wife, and I felt a shiver run down me, like the world was shifting beneath my feet.
"Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Williams."
The room broke out in applause, the crowd rose to their feet. Nathaniel pulled me in and pressed his warm lips onto mine. The kiss was exactly what I needed, something to distract me from how I felt. His lips were warm and soft, but all I could think about was the fact that I was kissing him because I had to, not because I wanted to.
The reception was great, and honestly, it made me realize how much people came to support us. It made me feel loved.
I smiled as I walked through, tables of guests exchanging greetings and conversations with the guests.
I needed air. I stepped away from the party, the reception fading in sound as it continued around me, and I just needed to breathe for a second.
Pausing while holding my drink and acting like everything was fine. But before I even took a sip, I felt and heard her.
I didn't need to look up to know who it was-Vivian, Nathaniel's mother.
"Well, well, I must say," she said with a condescending voice. "I'm surprised you're so comfortable already."
"I'm just trying to enjoy the evening," I replied, keeping my voice steady, even though I felt my stomach churn at the sight of her.
Her eyes scanned through me like I was some kind of specimen. She didn't even try to hide the disgust in her expression. "Enjoying it, yes. Must be quite a shift for you, stepping into our world. All this... luxury, attention. It's everything you've ever wanted, isn't it?"
I could feel my jaws clenching. Right, just what I needed. I refused to let her see me falter. I put my glass down slowly, keeping my composure. "I didn't marry Nathaniel for any of that, Mrs. Williams. I love him."
She let out a cruel laugh that died down almost immediately. "Love? Is that what you're calling it? Love doesn't come with this-the penthouse, the cars, the vacations. It's not just about love, darling. It's about what you can gain. You're marrying my son because he's a catch. And you know it."
I felt my breath catch, did she just say this to me? Of course, I knew about Nathaniel's wealthy status, but I'd never marry a man because of that. I loved Nathaniel, not romantically, but I did love him dearly.
My hands clenched into fists at my sides, but I kept my voice even. "I didn't marry him for his money, Mrs. Williams. I married him because of who he is, not what he has."
Her eyes narrowed at me, and she leaned closer. I could feel her breathing on me.
"Really? Because from where I'm standing, it looks like you're just another woman trying to climb her way up. Nathaniel's been good to you, hasn't he? Bought you the perfect life-just like he always does. But don't fool yourself into thinking this is about anything other than that." She whispered.
Now I couldn't take it anymore, my chest tightened, but I wasn't going to let her see me crack, not on my wedding day.
"I don't need his money, and I don't need your approval. What I need is for you to stop questioning my intentions and move out of my way." I replied, my voice firm.
Vivian's lips curled into a smile. "Oh sweetie, you think you can fool me? I've seen women like you before. They come in, charming, sweet, pretending to care. But I know the truth. You don't love him. You want his life."
Her words hit like a slap on my face, but I still wasn't going to back down. I could tell this lady never had any best interest for me since day one, but I couldn't care less, I knew of women like her, scary and dominating.
Nathaniel's life wasn't even my dream life, I know many might not agree, but I've always wanted to be a stay-at-home mom. There's something special about watching my kids play around the house while my husband is at work. It's a dream I've always held onto.
I straightened my shoulders, lifting my chin to get a clear view of her. "Firstly, you don't know me, Mrs. Williams. You don't even know anything about my relationship with Nathaniel. And if you think I'm here for his money, you're very wrong."
Vivian leaned in even closer, "I hope for your sake that's true. Because if you hurt my son or even think about using him, you'll have to answer to me."
"I'm not going anywhere, and I'm not going to hurt him. So, you can either trust me or keep doubting me. But either way, I'm here for him, and I'm not leaving." I replied before she could say anything else. I was donebeing intimidated.
She stepped back slowly, with her evil smile still on her face. "We'll see, won't we?"
I stood there for a moment as she walked away, her words still in the air. I wasn't sure what to expect from Nathaniel's mother, but I knew one thing for sure-this wasn't going to be the last time I'd have to prove myself.
I gulped down the remaining wine I had in my cup, hoping it would brush off the lingering threat of Vivian.
I went back inside the reception, scanning the room for Nathaniel, before Mom interrupted me.
"Michelle, sweetie," I heard Mom calling me from behind, I turned, trying to hide the worrying expression on my face.
"Honey, your father has been looking everywhere for you, where did you go?" Mom asked, a mix of curiosity and concern in her tone.
"I was just Uhm attending to some guests," I lied, forcing a smile on my face.
"Oh dear, come this way, your father wants to see you," she replied.
"Okay Mom, just give me a moment, I need to find my husband first," I replied
"Alright honey, we'll wait for you," she said, a warm smile spreading across her face.
Now I had to look for my husband, the person who got me into this whirlwind of a day. I walked down the hallway, asking a few waiters and some guests if they had seen any sight of Nathaniel.
"You can't just show up late to my wedding and expect me to be all happy with you man,"
I heard Nathaniel's voice behind one of the doors, low and steaming with anger.
I stopped leaning my head towards the door to catch what he was saying. I had never heard him like this before, this had to be the first time.
"You're my best friend man, and I expected you of all people to show up early, this was my big day"
There was a pause, and then a different voice replied, low and deep.
"Nate, I already told you, something came up. I didn't think it was a big deal."
"A big deal?" I heard Nathaniel scoff, "Listen to yourself man, see how ridiculous you sound, it was my fucking wedding day Tristan, and you missed it, my wedding!" Nathaniel's voice grew louder.
"Nate you should chill out," Tristan replied.
Nate? I thought I was the only one that called him that.
"I already explained this to you. You know maybe if you weren't so wrapped up in this whole 'perfect wedding' nonsense, you'd understand that sometimes life happens." Tristan replied.
I thought of going in, but something held me back. This was something they had to sort out on their own, a "bro" issue they could only resolve with each other. I stepped back, just listening to their conversation exchange.
"Life happens? You knew how important today was to me, to Michelle,"
I small smile tugged in my lips the moment he called my name, with so much care and love.
"Oh, so now I'm just some unreliable screw-up because I wasn't there the second you said, 'I do'? Is that it?" Tristan shot back, his tone sharp.
"It's not about that," I heard Nathaniel say, but Tristan cut him off before he could continue.
"Listen, man, I only showed up late, you're acting like I missed the whole ceremony"
He continued, "Maybe if you didn't care so much about looking good and maintaining this dreamy picture of your life, you'd realize that you're pushing everyone away." Tristan added, and I leaned in closer.
Honestly, this was kind of entertaining, but I couldn't help but wonder what Tristan meant by Nate pushing everyone away.
This distracted me from the interaction with Nathaniel's crazy mom, this distraction was a relief, though things were clearly getting out of hand.
"Say that again, I dare you," I heard Nathaniel say, his voice growing deep.
"With pleasure. You are full of yourself so much that you cannot notice the other people around you. It's sad."
I suddenly heard a loud noise, like someone being pushed against the wall like they were struggling to fight each other. I realized their argument had turned into something physical.
Suddenly, another male voice joined in, "Hey both of you should stop this nuisance, this is a wedding, and you, if you can't handle your emotions, you better leave,"
"Fine, have a nice life Nate," Tristan said, before hearing his footsteps walking towards the door, but before I could move Tristan bumped right into me.
I was caught off guard, I didn't realize how handsome he was until we were faced directly together even though his lips were slightly bruised. Those deep ocean-blue eyes, staring deep into my soul, he looked so unreal.
I probably should have said something, but for some reason, I was frozen, and my mouth glued shut, taking in this new beauty.
"I'm sorry, are you okay?" He asked, his voice calm and sincere.
I nodded, "Yeah," finally finding my voice.
"Okay," he said, taking a brief pause, "congratulations on your big day," he said, putting on a faint smile before turning and walking away, leaving me standing there in silence.
When he walked away, I had a feeling of being pulled under like I was swimming in a sea of questions that I had to find answers to. I was thinking that maybe he would say something.
But why did I care so much? A part of me couldn't help wondering-was this the last I'd see of him today?
Other books by Princessa.I