Trapped between the Love of a mother and the Lust of a father, Zara ventures into forbidden Territories in search of a man she has believed to be her 'father figure'. Little did she know that life was colder being alone. She was rescued from an attack by a stranger, who promised her salvation but delivered death. A stranger who she thought was her mate, but was only using her. A stranger who saw her abilities and exploited her What would be Zara's Fate when she discovers that the same stranger was her brother? And the answers she has risked her life searching for have been right under her nose. Read to find out
It's been another long day at 'human' school, another hectic day to play human and face the bullies, but today was different. Today's bully got to its bream, and I don't want to talk about it with Mum.
I have noticed anytime I bring up this discussion with Mum, she always with the excuse of 'l'm not old enough' or 'I'm still a child.' The last time she said, 'I need to grow up.' For God's sake, how old do I need to get before knowing about my dad? Isn't 17 years old enough? I guess she just doesn't want me to know, but this time, I must get answers.
I sense my mum walked into the compound through the back door of granny's house. I could bet she saw me sitting on the fallen logs a few meters away, fingering my legs while thinking of how to start up this conversation again.
"Zaraa..I'm!!, I bought your favorite chips," she said while she settled, thinking I would rush to her on hearing of my favorite chips, which I usually do. But I willed my ground and ignored her, frantically making her obvious of my furious state. I need answers, not favorite chips.
I heard footsteps slowly walking towards me from behind, I knew it was she, and I was determined to let out my rage.
"Zara, my child, why do you look so sad?" she said in a low tone, gradually touching my shoulders.
"I'm fine, Mum," I lied. Obviously, I was not. I thrust my face to the other side, making her more curious.
"Did something happen at school today" she came again.
"Mum, I want to see my Dad, I want to know my Dad, I want to know if I even have a Dad," I cried out, barely holding up my tears.
"Nora, the neighbor's daughter called me a bastard today at school," I said with a shaky voice, but Mum was just quiet. "And I think she is correct," I said with a stronger voice, hoping to intimidate my mum.
The usual response from Mum is a heavy breath in and out and then tapping me twice on my shoulders. Then she will say, 'Don't worry, Zara, sooner or later, you will get the answers you want', and that was exactly what she said this time too.
"No Mum, I am not taking your 'sooner or later' response this time around." I persisted.
And my persistence yielded the answer I wanted.
"Your father is the Alpha of the Eastern Coast and the king of the Eastern Region, You have a brother and his name is Damian, your father didn't know I was with child when he allowed my banishment, he didn't know he had a daughter".... Mother's words play in my memory as I hover through the dark wood forest with no idea of my whereabout, all I know is that I have to leave the Wyldblood clan. I can't afford to kill more people.
Mother said the gods, Afiri, gave us Gifts, and gifts are not for destructive purposes; gifts are given to help. I couldn't bear the idea of killing many people by just reeling through their minds. Something I would never opt for in my life.
I was shaken off my reverie by the shadow of a huge wolf figure hanging on a tree a few kilometers ahead of me. 'What is this again? Do I have to Face tribulations every time I go through this forest alone?'
"Yes, you have to darling" A sweet sound penetrated through the air from behind me, it was a very beautiful-skinned look lady, with a slim body and curly blonde hair, just like mine
"You could barely survive a day alone here" the voice came again.
Wait, was I too loud? I was talking to mind, how the hell did she...
"Of course, you're not too loud, and yes you are talking to yourself"
I turned abruptly and stopped, "Who are you, and what do you want?" boldly confronting her, ignoring the huge image which is now closer; I didn't want her to know that I admired her.
She simply raised her hands as if surrendering. "Hey.., hey.., they call you little wolf, right?" She said as if she'd gotten some information about me
"Listen I'm Emily and I mean no harm, I come in peace, please don't control my mind," she said mockingly
What, she knows about me, how did she know? Who is she?
"Yes I am coming to that, but first I want to thank you for admiring me, you said I look beautiful"
I was surprised. How did she know I said that? I kept a straight face. "Who are you for the last time? No jokes, or else," I threatened.
That was when I heard a huge landing from the tree, I turned and it was the huge figure but now in a human form. "What Kael!" I exclaimed in shock.
"You left without a farewell or at least a goodbye," he said with a sly smile on his face.
"How did you find me?"
"She did," he said, referring to Emily.
"See, Zara, I want you to calm down; I'm a friend," Emily cuts in before I can even speak.
"I Understand your insecurity, I've been there before so I know what it means, I understand you are not happy with the damage your powers can cause and you want to go away as far as possible or even get rid of it but listen, I want you to know it is normal, you have that power for a reason," she said calmly as if touching and blending the thoughts of my soul, but I kept a straight face as usual, so she won't know how soft she's gotten me.
"You know I have a gift too; that was why I could find you so easily; I could read your thoughts; I could hear them as if you are talking to me clearly," she continues with her soft tone, almost bringing me to lean at her and cry, but I remain indifferent.
She dipped her hand into the back pocket of her tight jean pants and brought out a chain necklace. "You forgot this," she said, handing it over to me.
"How did you get this?" I said, snatching it off her hand, still willing to my zero-emotion face.
"Kael gave it to me," she said.
I flashed a piercing gaze at Kael demanding answers.
"This was what I used to trace you" she continues
"If I could get something of importance to the person then I could read its thoughts, and if I could read its thoughts, I can find the person, that's it" She pauses for a while, frantically pulling me off my still shield
"I've been following you right from the moment you start recalling your mom's words to you about your father"
"What do you want, Kael!" I said almost crying out.
"All we want is for you to come back; come back, and I will teach you how to control your powers. It's not safe out here alone, Zara; remember what happened to you a few days ago while you were alone..."
"How do you know much about me besides, I haven't seen you among the pack since my stay" I asked curiously
"Keal told me everything; I was away for some time, and I had to prepare for the supermoon," she chuckles."... I flashed a gaze to Kael, and for the first time, Kael released a soft smile, truly showing how handsome he was.
As if sensing something, he quickly froze, tightening his countenance and hovering his gaze around the slightly dark forest.
And then, a figure emerged from the shadows.
"Kael," the figure whispered, its voice barely audible.
Kael's heart skipped a beat as he recognized the voice.
"Ren?" he whispered back, his eyes locked on the figure. "Is that you?"
But before Ren could respond, a loud growl echoed through the forest, and within a split second, it disappeared into thin air, leaving Ren almost dead.
Other books by Ben Samuel