Ammy is a teenage girl who isn't living the life of her dreams,she put the life she wants in her diary. All of her imaginations are all in her diary and also her daily life
I'm so excited!!!. Guess what I'm getting a new diary and a bigger one. It's gonna be enough for my delusions!!! Squeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
Now before I forget,let me go join Mama in the kitchen. It's this Christmas time again. Mama inviting her family, it's so suffocating!!
I mean I want to go to the sea on Christmas day,not sitting down in the midst of adult during dinner and give a fake laugh. My cheeks hurt every Christmas. Well, there's new year! The only day I'm free to do what I want but still can't go where I want.
My life is suffocated for real
Ahm,did I say I have a bratty sis,Tatiana,she calls herself Tatty
So I say she's Bratty Tatty.
Now she's fighting with my door shouting
"Mama is cawling you"
Arrghh,why can't I be the only born.
Being the first born and the first daughter suffocates
Well,I'd love to introduce my "family" to y'all
You'd know about me later
I'm from the family of four and that four is broken into two, that's because my family is broken.
My parents are "divorcees".
I stay with my mom and at times visit my dad
My mom gave birth to me and my brother for my dad, and she gave birth to my sister Tatiana for her new husband who also is going mad
I must say my mom doesn't have luck for "men.
Well,my dad has another wife which gave birth to two girls for him
I like them also but the bond isn't a thicker as I and Tatty
And being the first daughter suffocates like I said earlier
Whenever my parents fight,I'm always in the middle
They use me to attack the other,which affects me emotionally and mentally,but they don't know
LoL (laugh out loud).
Well, whenever I remember those issues
I do cry! And trust me I don't want to stain my diary with those tears
Hehe(I don't know what it means,but it's a laughter to me or giggle)
I'm supposed to go downstairs right now,but I know my mom isn't the one calling me
It's Tatiana that's giving that "mom" order.
She probably wants me to write her a poem or give her my phone,which I can't.
I must say Tatiana is the biggest fan of my poem and aesthetic lifestyle
She wasn't like that before until she saw my phone gallery
She saw how obsessed I am with anything aesthetical
Since then she disturbs me a lot for pictures
Even if she doesn't know what it means
I wish she could grow up soon so I can live that aesthetic life with her.
My brother is in college right now and we don't really get along
We fight,he insults me back
I mean this guy doesn't even have respect
But what can I do, he's still my brother after all
My other siblings are with their mother
Like I said we're family of four even if we are more that four
I'd surely say we are four
If you ask me why,I don't know.
Well,I'm Ammy,my brother is Sammy(it's Samuel though,but he'll not admit it cause he doesn't like his name) and we have Tatiana (Bratty Tatty)
My other siblings are Danielle,Ella
So I'm just the first born for all of them
Well,I didn't get my diary for this family talks
It's about me
We'll be talking about me in the next entry
It will surely be what you like and what you love
Let's dream together.
ohhhhhh,Tat is here again
Chapter 1 Love Diary of an Introvert entry one